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  • 外文名:Salvation
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[sælˈveɪʃ(ə)n]
  • 美式音標:[sælˈveɪʃ(ə)n]


英 [sælˈveɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [sælˈveɪʃ(ə)n]
n. 解救物,救星;解救,拯救;(基督教中)對靈魂的拯救,救贖
【名】 (Salvation)(瑞典)薩爾瓦蒂翁(人名)


salvation army [基督]救世軍
Repentance is salvation 回頭是岸
Salvation Prophecy 救贖預言


  • The church's message of salvation has changed the lives of many. 這個教會的靈魂得救的訓誡已經改變了很多人的一生。
  • The country's salvation lies in forcing through democratic reforms. 拯救該國在於強制推行民主改革。
  • The Salvation Army shops depend on regular supplies of saleable items. 救世軍商店靠的是獲得容易賣物品的經常性的供應。
  • In some religious groups, wealth was a symbol of probable salvation and high morals, and fatness a sign of wealth and well-being. 在一些宗教團體中,財富是救贖和高尚道德的象徵,而肥胖則是財富和幸福的象徵。
  • The most crooked thing about this generation is that we have created ways of salvation without God and therefore without law and forgiveness. 這一代人最扭曲的事情是,我們創造了救贖的方式,沒有上帝,因此沒有法律、沒有寬恕。
  • Creativity is a temporary salvation from the claws of death. I feel I must burst because of all that life offers me and because of the prospect of death. 創造力是一種臨時的拯救,從死亡的魔爪中掙脫。我感到我必須爆炸,因為那種生活所給我的全部,因為死亡的前景。
  • Wagner found this most eloquently illustrated in the Black spiritual, where the desire for freedom in this world and the hope for salvation in the next are inextricably intertwined. 華格納在《黑人精神》一書中發現了這一點,在這本書中,對這個世界自由的渴望和對下一個世界的拯救的希望是密不可分地交織在一起的。
  • Group therapy classes have been his salvation. 他一直靠參加集體療法班來調節心理。
  • No one deserved salvation more. 沒有人更值得被拯救了。
  • You want salvation, there it is. 你想要救恩,給你。
  • He is our cup of salvation. 他是我們的救贖之杯。
  • No one can take away my salvation. 沒人能帶走我的救贖。
  • Salvation may lie in tourism. 旅遊業也許是挽救的途徑。
  • And what is Salvation? 你的'拯救'指是什麼?
  • In our disasters is our salvation. 在災難中,我們警醒自救。
  • "Lest I fail to attain Salvation". 怕我得不到拯救。
  • God says your salvation is no accident. 上帝說對你的救贖並非意外。
  • That's our one salvation. 那是我們唯一的救贖。
  • This house might prove their salvation. 這所房屋是可以救命的。
  • WHAT price salvation? 價格挽救是什麼?
  • I have waited for thy salvation, o LORD. 耶和華啊,我向來等候你的救恩。
  • Is this teaching salvation by works? 這是在教我們靠做工得救嗎?
  • Our salvation is entirely in God's hands. 我們的救世完全在上帝手中。
  • Give away the rest to the Salvation Army. 剩下的就託付給救世軍吧。
  • He goes before! This guarantees salvation! 他走在前頭,保證我的得救。
  • If she needs salvation, she will posit a savior. 如果她需要救助,她就會構想一個救助者。
  • Why does the financial system need salvation? 為什麼金融體系會走向崩潰的邊緣?
  • Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! 但願以色列的救恩從錫安而出。
  • The Salvation Army branch in Sarasota is equally overrun. 薩拉·索塔的救世軍分公司也是同樣的人滿為患。


