- 中文名:Rutzou
- 創立於:哥本哈根
- 屬於:時裝品牌
- 級別:高端女裝品牌
Rützou ,是丹麥。Rützou作為一個擁有強烈浪漫氣息和女性色彩的女裝品牌,該品牌的設計在設計風格上十分注意對細節的完美細緻的處理。品牌每年在全球會推有4個collection,展現了當下女性高貴、優雅的氣質。
Susanne Rützou began creating a women’s collection with her precise traits. Attributes that continue to be the hallmarks of the collection today: Her personal style, especially researched and refined materials, and a production quality that ensures garments maintain a tailored aspect. The whole infused with her ‘poetic realism’ that makes Rützou collections unique in the fashion terrain. Rützou’s objective is to consolidate its position as an affluent fashion brand, crafting holistic clothing and shoe collections for women.
Susanne Rutzou以絲綢和棉布作為基本面料,為觀眾上演了一場手感柔滑,穿著舒適服裝秀。 “Fashion is about your attitude of life. Fashion should make people feel good,look their best and be comfortable. I don’t like people to look likefashion victims.” — Susanne Rützou
本季的作品的創作基於色彩的兩種手法:其一,關注自然,運用了綠色、 黃色、暖橙色;其二,運用了比淡藍、灰色、珊瑚色以及銀白色更冷的色彩。絲綢服裝、上衣和裙在T台上飄逸,營造了個隨意的夏季氛圍。上衣上面料的漂亮的裁剪,袖子以及服裝上寬鬆的剪裁,都使得整個作品富有種掙脫了束縛,非常放鬆的感覺。