adj. (地面,地形)高低不平的,崎嶇的;(男人的外貌)粗獷而英俊的;強健而堅毅的;(機器或其他製造品)堅固耐用的;艱難的,嚴峻的
We left the rough track and bumped our way over a rugged mountainous terrain. 我們駛離坎坷的小道,又顛簸過了崎嶇多岩的山地。
The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain. 敵人會一直在對崎嶇地形的熟悉上占有優勢。
Planes parachuted food, clothing, blankets, medicine, and water into the rugged mountainous border region. 飛機把食物、衣服、毯子、藥和水空投到崎嶇的邊界山區。
In addition to the rugged road, the bad weather added to our difficulties of climbing the mountain. 除了崎嶇的道路之外,惡劣的天氣增加了我們爬山的苦難。
They admired the rugged beauty of the coastline. 他們對海岸線上岩石密布的美景讚嘆不已。
A less rugged vehicle would never have made the trip. 要不是這車結實,根本走不完這段路程。
Rugged individualism forged America's frontier society. 堅定的個人主義鑄就了美國這個前沿社會。
A look of pure disbelief crossed Shankly's rugged face. 尚克利粗獷的臉上掠過一副完全不信任的表情。
The camera combines rugged reliability with unequalled optical performance and speed. 這款照相機集經久可靠性、無與倫比的光學性能和速度於一身。
Riding small native Irish horses, 'hobins", which are well suited to the marshes and rugged terrain of Ireland, the Gaelic Hobiguir are able to outmaneuvre heavier cavalry with ease." 霍比居騎兵騎乘的霍賓馬種體格堅韌,對愛爾蘭地區的沼澤叢林適應極佳,因此能令他們在此輕鬆擊敗更為重裝的騎兵部隊。
But these were rugged and bare. 但這些山脈崎嶇不平,光禿禿的。
A more rugged beauty, perhaps. 也許這是更為原始的美。
The path to glory is always rugged. 光榮之路常坎坷。
I am rugged and, more importantly, my code is rugged. 我很堅固,更重要的是,我的代碼很堅固。
I recognize these things - and I choose to be rugged. 我知道這些事實,因此我選擇變得堅固。
The rugged coast has some of the finest beaches in Europe. 崎嶇的海岸上擁有歐洲最好的沙灘。
BEAR can travel over rugged terrain and lift up to 500 pounds. BEAR能夠通過崎嶇地帶並負重500磅。
I signed up for the Rugged Software forums, blogs, lists and... 我註冊了“堅固軟體”論壇、部落格、列表等等。
The rugged look probably isn't best for the office, either. 粗獷的外表也不適合辦公室。
Our home was in a beautiful valley far back in the rugged Ozarks. 我們家在地勢崎嶇的奧扎克高地一個美麗的山谷里。
The CT100 combines exceptional TDR performance and rugged portability. CT100結合了卓越的TDR性能和堅固的便攜性。
Look for ways to show the rugged nature and the beauty of deserts. 尋找可以表現沙漠的荒涼和美麗的方法。
He says that his town, on a rugged stretch of the Texas border, is fine. 他說他這個位於德州崎嶇邊境上的城市很安全。
The romantic myth of rugged middle-class individualism is just that. 強大的中產階層個人主義的浪漫神話正是這樣。
I am rugged because I refuse to be a source of vulnerability or weakness. 我很堅固,因為我拒絕成為漏洞和弱點的來源。
The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare. 另一幅畫也有山脈,但卻崎嶇不平,而且光禿禿的。