Round Kid

《Round Kid》是Buck-O-Nine演唱的英文歌曲。


  • 歌曲:Round Kid
  • 語種:英語
  • 發行日期:1997年04月15日
  • 歌手:Buck-O-Nine
  • 所屬專輯:Twenty-Eight Teeth
Two lovers are having their fight again
They're tired of saying good-bye
Standing on the beachside
Listening to the feet of the passers
On the sidewalk there
Don't make me part of your life again
Cause i'm tired of saying good-bye
Ridding on my skateboard
Knocking all the pretty boys in my way
I'm just a round kid
Causing mass hysteria
And i know something nobody knows
You ask me if i'm real or not
But what is real or not
Am i completely right
Or am i just lost and misguided
There is something you ouhta know
What is real or not
That there is nothing wrong
So don't tell me i need any counseling


