Rooms Mediterranean Gardens位於扎達爾,是家3星級酒店。
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- 酒店星級:3星級
Rooms Mediterranean Gardens位於扎達爾,是家3星級酒店。
根據植物的種類,園內分為:健康花園(Garden of Health,使用植物治療疾病)、地中海花園(SA Water Mediterranean Garden,來自世界五個地中海氣候的植物)、國際玫瑰園(International Rose Garden,來自世界各地的2500種玫瑰)、小芽廚房菜園(LittleSprouts Kitchen Garden,用於學生教學)、國家玫瑰試驗園(National Rose...
小型日式與地中海風格混搭庭院 Small Japanese Style Landscape in Mediterranean Courtyard 旋渦水景花園 Swirling Flow Waterscape Garden 紅塵中的品茶天地 Tea Garden in this Mundane World 日式與巴厘島風情的融合 Fusion of Japanese and Bali Style 濃縮的自然世界 The Concentrated Natural World 第四章:幽靜簡約 ...
PrivateVilla 豪華私人別墅 Ville Necujam Ville Necujam住宅 Greenwich Village Penthouse 格林威治鄉村閣樓 Morgan Loft 摩根閣樓 Murray Hill Townhouse 默里山聯排別墅 ChengDu West Jin City 成都西錦城 Two Persons' Mediterranean 兩個人的地中海 La Culla 掬美私宅 National Aesthetics Center 國家美學館 ...
Magical Mediterranean 魔力地中海 SF Residence SF住宅 The Australian Garden Presented by Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne at the Chelsea Flower Show 2011 墨爾本皇家植物園於2011切爾西花卉展中 展出的澳大利亞花園 Riseley Riseley花園 Leafy Entertainer 枝葉茂盛的“娛樂者”Contemporary City Garden in Guildford 吉...
地中海的日式情緣 Love for Mediterranean and Japanese Garden 典雅歐式的日式情懷 Classical European and Japanese Style Garden 亞洲風小亭 Asian Style Garden 磚牆木架外構 Brick Wall and Wooden Outside Structure 隨心所欲, 雜木庭院 Follow Your Heart, Hardwood Patio 童真樂園 Childhood Paradise 其他推薦 景...
The Places Section divides Italy into eight regions – starting inthe Eternal City of Rome and finishing up in the sun-scorchedMediterranean islands of Sicily and Sardinia. Each chapter iscolor-coded for easy reference, and features everything you’ll needto know about the sights and attractions ...
Montpelier:City of Medical Science on the Mediterranean 150·賽特——朗格多克地區的“小威尼斯”Sete:"The Little Venice of Languedoc"155·土魯斯——玫瑰紅色的夢幻都城Toulouse:Rosy Dreamland 159·波爾多——葡萄酒之鄉Bordeaux:Crown of Fine Wines 164·科西嘉——拿破崙的故鄉Corse:Birthplace of Napoleon...
3.Rich, intoxicating autumn! What scene to gladden people's hearts!啊,多么使人心醉的絢麗燦爛的秋色,多么令人興奮的欣欣向榮的景象啊!4.She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring.她錯過了地中海春季鮮花怒放的絢麗美景。5.The gardens blazed with colour.花園色彩絢麗。