單曲介紹 《Roller Coaster》是歐美流行小天王
Justin Bieber 繼專輯《
Believe 》後的最新專輯《Journals》的笫八首單曲。Roller Coaster的中文為“過山車”,這就像小天王Justin Bieber與其女友
Selena Gomez 的戀情一樣起起落落,令無數的
Jelena 黨心碎一地,
累覺不愛 。如果這對歐美樂壇最年輕的小情侶最終還是分道揚鑣的話,那么Jelena黨們估計以後都不會再相信愛情了。
英文歌詞 Roller Coaster - Justin Bieber
Where did they go?
Nights like this don't happen anymore
I need to know
Is it me? or did I lose control?
Only overseas
Only memories
Wish I had the key to your heart
People come and go
Baby, they don't know
What we had before
What it felt before our eyes
Roller coaster, roller coaster
Spinning all around and around for a world baby
Roller coaster, roller coaster
For a minute we were up,
but the next we were falling down
It's been difficult
I'm just happy there's no fights no more
But it's nights like this that I never ever missed you more
If there's a reason why this happens for
Only overseas
Only memories
Wish I had the key to your heart
People come and go
Baby, they don't know
What we had before
What it felt before our eyes
Roller coaster, roller coaster
Spinning all around and around for a world baby
Roller coaster, roller coaster
For a minute we were up,
but the next we were falling down
Only overseas
Only memories
Wish I had the key to your heart
People come and go
Baby, they don't know
What we had before
What it felt before our eyes
Roller coaster, roller coaster
Spinning all around and around for a world baby
Roller coaster, roller coaster
For a minute we were up,
but the next we were falling down
中文歌詞 Roller Coasterby Justin Bieber
Where did they go舊愛和她的新歡去往何方
Nights like this don't happen anymore真希望這樣的夜不會再有
I need to know我想知道
Is it me or did I lose control我是如常,還是已然彷徨
Only overseas心緒只存海外
Only memories腦海只余記憶
Wish I had the key to your heart多希望我能進入你的心扉
People come and go你的身邊人潮來往
Baby, they don't know親愛的,他們不曾懂得
What we had before我們一起經歷的風雨冰霜
What it felt before our eyes和親身體會的歡喜憂傷
Roller coaster, roller coaster親愛的,這遊樂場的過山車,在遊樂場大起大落
Spinning all around and around for a world baby被這俗世所困,一圈圈地疾馳
Roller coaster, roller coaster感情的過山車,起落無常
For a minute we were up,前一分鐘我們激情昂揚
but the next we were falling down後一分鐘卻已遺落千丈
It's been difficult這處境很尷尬
I'm just happy there's no fights no more令我愉悅的,只是不再有所爭吵
But it's nights like this that I never ever missed you more但這夜幕下,是我對你從未有過的深沉思念
If there's a reason why this happens for這不明來處的思念讓我感覺身處異鄉
Only overseas心緒只存海外
Only memories腦海只余記憶
Wish I had the key to your heart多希望我能進入你的心扉
People come and go你的身邊人潮來往
Baby, they don't know親愛的,他們不曾懂得
What we had before我們一起經歷的風雨冰霜
What it felt before our eyes和親身體會的歡喜憂傷
Roller coaster, roller coaster親愛的,這遊樂場的過山車,在遊樂場大起大落
Spinning all around and around for a world baby被這俗世所困,一圈圈地疾馳
Roller coaster, roller coaster感情的過山車,起落無常
For a minute we were up,前一分鐘我們委身瘋狂
but the next we were falling down後一分鐘卻已失落迷茫
Only overseas心緒只存海外
Only memories腦海只余記憶
Wish I had the key to your heart多希望我能進入你的心
People come and go你的身邊人潮來往
Baby, they don't know親愛的,他們不曾懂得
What we had before我們一起經歷的風雨冰霜
What it felt before our eyes和親身體會的歡喜憂傷
Roller coaster, roller coaster親愛的,這遊樂場的過山車,在遊樂場大起大落
Spinning all around and around for a world baby被這俗世所困,一圈圈地疾馳
Roller coaster, roller coaster感情的過山車,起落無常
For a minute we were up,前一分鐘我們步如天堂
but the next we were falling down後一分鐘卻已不知去向
歌手介紹 賈斯汀·比伯 (Justin Drew Bieber)來自加拿大,是紅遍全球的寶貝男孩,是整個流行樂壇最具影響力的青年男歌手,樂壇流行音樂王子,也是在世界上最受矚目的名人之一。在音樂上創作、
打鼓 、跳舞、彈吉他、彈琴,等樣樣行。他先在“
YouTube ”唱紅了自己,隨後被經紀人挖掘並被Usher培養進入美國歌壇。他是YouTube觀看量最多的藝人及首位19歲前擁有五張冠軍專輯、在首張專輯發行前就有4首TOP40單曲的歌手。2011年被《人物》雜誌公布的年度
好萊塢 最富有的年輕人。在《
福布斯 》“全球百位巨星排行榜”上,賈斯汀連續2年名列第三,男歌手權利排行第一;You Tobe觀看量截至目前全球第一,
推特 ,
instagram 冬粉全球第一。
Billboard 與VH1評選的當今最具影響童星。
Justin Bieber
公開戀情 2011年2月6日,當紅小天王
賈斯汀·比伯 (1994年出生)和新一代的流行女歌手賽琳娜·戈麥斯(
Selena Gomez )公開戀情,兩人大大方方走上美國
加州 聖塔莫尼卡街頭甜蜜
拍拖 ,十指緊扣完美演繹“
金童玉女 ”。這也是兩人首次將戀情公布在大眾視野之下。賈斯汀·比伯是人氣正在迅速上升的90後加拿大歌手。賈斯汀·比伯的個人單曲《
OneTime 》一經推出便迅速火爆,第二首單曲《
One Less Lonely Girl 》首周上榜便空降
Billboard Hot 100 榜單第16位。賈斯汀·比伯不僅在音樂上有驚人的才華:創作、
打鼓 、跳舞、彈吉他、彈琴、小號樣樣行,而且長相很帥氣,深客群多女生的喜愛,在歐美就連2歲的小孩子都會唱他的歌。但他們倆的感情遭受過
黑粉 砰擊,眾多是
賈斯汀·比伯 這邊的冬粉,賈斯汀大多冬粉都是處於
青春期 的女生,她們對自己所崇拜的偶像簡直是付出了所有愛,她們堅決反對自己心中的白馬王子和別的女人
拍拖 ,還在各大網站諷刺唾罵賽琳娜。雙方冬粉的交流、溝通上存在尷尬。
專輯介紹 小天王全新專輯已釋出,這張名為《
Journals 》的專輯收錄了Music Mondays的十首歌外加五首未曝光的新單,
Belieber 們一起來聆聽比伯的私人日記吧。
journals專輯封面 語言:英語
All Bad
Roller Coaster
Change Me
One Life
What's Hatnin'
Swap It Out