adj. 搖擺的,搖動的;(非正式)極好的
She was rocking backwards and forwards in her seat. 她在座位上前搖後晃。《牛津詞典》
Judith was sitting in a rocking chair by the window. 朱迪絲坐在窗邊的搖椅上。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
He was simply too powerful for his opponent, rocking him with a steady supply of left jabs. 他對於他的對手來說簡直太強大了,用一連串的左刺拳打得對手搖搖晃晃。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
In the first year of their new hobby, Wan and Tang made thirteen rocking horses. 在他們新愛好的第一年,萬和唐製作了13匹搖擺馬。youdao
The rocking made him seasick, and the noose becoming tighter and tighter, choked him. 搖晃使他頭昏腦漲,套索越來越緊,令他窒息。youdao
The closest that Herpin came to resting was to sit in a rocking chair and read a half dozen newspapers. 埃爾潘最喜歡的休息方式,就是坐在搖椅上讀報紙。youdao
One artist describes them as "the glorious, technicolor-dream-coat room where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies". 一位藝術家把它們描述成“搖馬人在華麗的、色彩絢麗的、夢幻的大衣房吃棉花糖派”。youdao
There was a rusty lawnmower, a broken wicker laundry basket, a blue china saucer with a crack in the house, and a cane rocking chair with a hole in the seat. 屋子裡有一台生了銹的割草機、一個破了的柳條編成的洗衣籃、一隻藍色的缺了口的陶瓷碟子,還有一把座位上破了個洞的藤製搖椅。youdao
According to the result, they made each customer a special rocking horse. 根據結果,他們為每位顧客做了一個特殊的搖擺木馬。youdao
These days, you can even see the former Commandante rocking a Carl Lewis-like tracksuit. 這些天,你甚至能看到前任司令官穿著一身卡爾·劉易斯風格的運動套裝。youdao
I will put them into my pillow, and then I am sure I shall sleep soundly without rocking. 我要把它們放在我的枕頭裡,這樣我就可以安心地睡個安穩覺了。youdao
Two women—ladies in every point—sat, one in a low rocking-chair, the other on a lower stool. 兩個女子——從各方面看都像貴婦人——一個坐在低搖椅里,另一個坐在低凳里。youdao
The small boat is rocking on the river. 小船在江面上晃蕩。《新英漢大辭典》
The seas are rising and the continents are rocking. 四海翻騰,五洲震盪。《新英漢大辭典》
The Five Continents are rocking, wind and thunder roaring. 五洲震盪風雷激。《新英漢大辭典》
Download is a no-brainer if you're rocking the current stable release. 如果你正在期待目前最穩定的版本,那下載這個更新版本根本不需要思考。youdao
Jamie sat in the rocking chair. 傑米坐上了搖椅。youdao
But after a year, they were rocking. 但是一年後他們個個都很棒。youdao
He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair. 他坐在搖椅里前後搖晃著。youdao
What is human lies in the way the basket is rocking. 人性如何,就看那籃子如何搖晃。youdao
But researchers wanted to know how rocking works. 不過研究人員想了解這種晃動是如何發揮作用的。youdao
Even like a mother while rocking her baby's cradle. 經四母親推動嬰兒搖籃時的哼唱。youdao
The sea is running high; the boat is rocking like a cradle. 海上波濤洶湧,小船像搖籃似的來回搖擺。youdao
The hand rocking the cradle is the one promoting the world. 推動搖籃的手,就是推動世界的手。youdao
I buried my face in his soft fur while rocking him gently. 我把臉埋在它柔軟的絨毛里,輕柔地擺動著它。youdao
She turns the pebbles over and over, rhythmically, rocking. 她將鵝卵石有節奏的一遍一遍地翻轉。youdao
Considering her rocking body, this can only lead to great things. 考慮到她的搖滾身體,這應該是一個好事情。youdao
Jake: I want to get out. The boat is rocking I don't like it. 傑克:我想下船,船晃得厲害,我不喜歡,我想下船了。youdao
As they thickened, he leaned his head back against the rocking chair. 隨著雲彩慢慢變厚,他將頭又靠向了搖椅。youdao