Robert Leckie

Robert Leckie

Robert Leckie,出生於December 18, 1920 ,逝世於December 24, 2001 ,他在二戰服役三年,經過了不少血腥之戰。他曾獲得五枚戰星獎章,四次總統部隊嘉獎,一枚紫心勳章和一枚海陸嘉獎獎章。


  • 外文名:Robert Leckie
  • 出生日期:December 18, 1920 
  • 逝世日期:December 24, 2001 
  • 主要成就:一等兵


December 18, 1920 – December 24, 2001 一等兵
《太平洋戰爭》Robert Leckie的扮演者James《太平洋戰爭》Robert Leckie的扮演者James
2nd Battalion 1st Marines


* Battle of Guadalcanal
* Battle of Cape Gloucester
* Battle of Peleliu


Purple Heart紫心勳章
Navy & MC Commendation Medal


Leckie was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 18, 1920 to an Irish Catholic family of eight children. He grew up in Rutherford, New Jersey. He began his professional writing career, before World War II, at age 16 as a sports writer for The Record of Hackensack in Hackensack.
In 1941, the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Leckie enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He served in combat in the Pacific theater, as a scout and a machine gunner in the 1st Marine Division. He participated in every major 1st Marine Division campaign except Okinawa.
Following World War II, Leckie worked as a reporter for the Associated Press, the Buffalo Courier-Express, the New York Journal American, the New York Daily News and The Star-Ledger. His first and best-selling book, Helmet for My Pillow, a personal war memoir, was published in 1957. Leckie subsequently wrote more than 40 books on American war history, spanning from the French and Indian War (1754–1763) to Desert Storm (1991).
In April 2007, it was announced that Leckie's war memoirs, Helmet for My Pillow, along with Eugene B. Sledge's book With the Old Breed, would form the basis for the HBO series The Pacific, the successor to Band of Brothers
二戰後他成為一名作家,為美聯社,紐約每日新聞報,一些紀錄片撰稿,並且曾經是米高梅公司新聞紀錄短片的編輯。除了'Helmet For My Pillow'外,他還撰寫過不少二戰和海軍陸戰隊相關的書籍。史匹柏評價Leckie是劇中內心最複雜的人物。


