Reform and opening-up and urbanization in China

Reform and opening-up and urbanization in China

《Reform and opening-up and urbanization in China》是2019年上海社會科學院出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:Reform and opening-up and urbanization in China
  • 作者:張道根
  • 出版社:上海社會科學院出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787552027778


本稿繫上海社科院專家牽頭聯合國外學者編著的關於中國城鎮化和長三角城市發展方面的英文版學術論文。主要包括的內容有:改革開放與中國城鎮化進程 / 21世紀的三角洲城市: 設計能創造不可能 /長江三角洲的水利工程與城市化關係的回顧 / 上海2035城市總體規劃: 創新與期待 /上海城市水岸的新認知與新用途 /上海建設*的濱水區 /大門、河流和儀式: 蘇州關於伍子胥的集體記憶 / 水系與防禦: 從文化景觀的視角解讀釣魚城遺址及其遺產環境的價值 。


Introductory Essay / Paul RAB, TU Qiyu1
Reform and Openingup and Urbanization in China / ZHANG Daogen, XUE Anwei
Towards a New Narrative for the 21st Century Delta City / Han MEYER
A Consolidated Archipelago: Retrospective of Water Engineering and Urbanization in the Yangtze River Delta / Christian NOLF, XIE Yuting, Florence VANNOORBEECK
Shanghai 2035 Master Plan: Innovation and Expectation / TU Qiyu
Reappreciation and new uses of urban watersides in Shanghai / Harry DEN HARTOG
Shanghai: Striving for a Worldclass Waterfront Area / XI Dongfan
Gate, River and Ritual: the Collective Memory of Wu Zixu in Suzhou / ZHOU Mengyuan
Water System and Defense: Interpretation of Diaoyu Hill Fortress and Its Heritage Environment from the Perspective of Cultural Landscape / SHI Ding, WANG Yifei, DU Xiaofan


