- 外文名:referendum
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˌrefəˈrendəm]
- 美式發音:[ˌrefəˈrendəm]
in Switzerland. A Memorial Relative to the Initiative and Referendum in Sw 《Initiative and Referendum in Switzerland. A Memorial Relative to the Initiative and Referendum in Sw》是一本圖書,作者是Schurz, Vrooman Carl ...
公民創製 (Popular Initiative) 與公民複決 (Referendum) 的區別在於:複決的憲法案或法律案是由議會提出或通過的;而創製的憲法案或法律案是由公民草擬提出的。複決只是對議會已經通過的議案表示贊成或否定;創製是指公民自己提出關於...
橙色民主運動(英文:Orange Democratic Movement),是肯亞一個政黨。該黨來自2005年肯亞憲法公投(Kenyan constitutional referendum, 2005)的結果,但於2007年8月一分為二。此兩黨分別為肯亞橙色民主運動黨(Orange Democratic Movement...
But a bigger factor in the change of strategy may be the sourness left by the referendum.自民黨改變策略的一個重要原因,是對公投結果心存芥蒂。And Mr Mbeki has undertaken what sounds like a personal mission to redeem ...
Carol Malia is an actress, known for Auf Wiedersehen, Pet (1983), BBC Look North: North East and Cumbria (1968) and Better in or Out? A BBC Look North (North-East & Cumbria) EU Referendum Special (2016). 參演...
Gather a mob to encumber a proposer or joint signer´s proceeding of the proposal of referendum by violation, intimidation or other illegal method.聚眾以強暴、脅迫或其他非法之方法,妨害公民投票案提案人、連署人對公民投票案...
“Hung parliaments, “Executive-legislative” Relations and Referendums: Political Parties in the UK in the shadow of Brexit”, Australian Political Studies Association Conference 2019.思想政治與青年思想引領:《電競文化影響下的...
Mr Morales responded by ordering a temporary halt to work on the road, and promised a referendum on the issue in Beni and Cochabamba, the two affected regions.作為回應,莫拉萊斯下令暫時中止對這條道路的修建,並許諾給予...
1995年,普麗蒂·帕特爾抱著對柴契爾夫人(Margaret Thatche)的崇拜,加入到英國保守黨,其後因故短暫加入英國公投黨(Eurosceptic Referendum party)。但隨著1997年之後,英國保守黨在歐洲區域與經濟政策上的改變,普麗蒂·帕特爾對此產生了...
After a national referendum in 1962, Singapore was admitted into the Federation of Malaysia along with Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak as a state with autonomous powers in September 1963.1962年國家全民投票之後,新加坡在1963年9月...