《Real Time UML》是2004年Addison-Wesley Professional出版的圖書,作者是Bruce Powel Douglass。
- 外文名:Real Time UML
- 作者:Bruce Powel Douglass
- 出版社:Addison-Wesley Professional
- ISBN:9780321160768
《Real Time UML》是2004年Addison-Wesley Professional出版的圖書,作者是Bruce Powel Douglass。
在嵌入式軟體開發中,面向對象技術內在支持了對系統的抽象、分層及復用技術,能夠很好地控制系統的複雜性,也逐漸廣泛套用。實時UML語言是在嵌入式開發中適用的建模語言。現有許多功能強大UML建模工具,有些工具在引入或加強嵌入式實時系統套用領域的功能,例如Rose RealTime和Rhapsody。技術要點 一、UML建模技術的特性與...
中文名 實時UML與Rational Rose RealTime建模案例剖析 作者 余金山 出版時間 2007年4月 出版社 電子工業 頁數 378 頁 ISBN 9787121037962 定價 39.8 元 副標題 ROSE REALTIME建模案例剖析 內容介紹 本書將實時系統、實時統一建模語言、實時系統的統一開發過程和Rational Rose RealTime建模環境有機地結合起來,以案例為...
第9章 uml與實時系統建模 173 9.1 實時系統的特徵 173 9.2 實時統一建模語言uml-rt 175 9.2.1 連線埠和連線子 175 9.2.2 封裝體 179 9.2.3 協定 180 9.2.4 rational rose realtime 181 9.3 gprs網關支持結點ggsn 182 9.4 ggsn建模 184 9.4.1 需求工作流程 184 9.4.2 分析和設計工作流程 ...
MARTE(modeling and analysis of real time and embedded systems)是UML在嵌入式實時系統領域的建模規範,取代原有的UML-SPT(UML profile for Schedulability , Performance and Time),支持對嵌入式實時系統的非功能屬性建模。彌補了UML在嵌入式實時領域非功能屬性表達能力的不足。MARTE綜合了以往工業界和學術界在嵌入...
實時套用軟體 實時套用軟體(real-time application software)是2005年公布的航天科學技術名詞。公布時間 2005年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《航天科學技術名詞》第一版。
6.10 Real-Time Example / 實時系統的例子 367 6.11 What This Chapter Means for You / 本章對單個開發人員的意義 367 6.12 What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team / 本章對開發團隊的意義 369 6.13 What This Chapter Means for Researchers / 本章對研究人員的意義 369 6.14 Term ...
9.3.1Real-TimeWorkshop簡介246 9.3.2RTW程式創建過程和代碼結構250 9.3.3RTW嵌入式代碼在VxWorks/Tornado環境下實現過程255 9.3.4水下航行器深度控制系統仿真258 9.4人工智慧與仿真技術259 9.4.1概述259 9.4.2人工智慧在仿真技術中的主要套用260 9.4.3仿真專家系統261 9.4.4智慧型化仿真的研究與探索...
統一建模語言(UML)和IDEF相反,統一建模語言是接口驅動,並且有多重抽象化機制,適用於描述面向服務的架構(SOA)。分析方法 結構化分析以數據在不同模組中移動的觀點來看待一個系統,系統的功能可以用轉換數據流的程式來表示。結構化分析善用了功能拆解(或由上到下設計)的信息隱藏特性,因此可以關注在重要的細節,...
1. Zhang G-F, Lü Zh-Ch, Wan F-H, Lövei G-L. 2007. Real-time PCR quantification of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) B-biotype remains in predator guts. Mol. Ecol. Note, 7: 947-954. (IF 1.220)2. Zhang G-F, Lü Zh-Ch, Wan F-H. 2007. Detection of Bemisia ...
3.8 Real Time Clock i58 3.9 Networked Embedded Systems 159 3.10 Serial Bus Communication Protocols 160 3.if Parallel Bus Device Protocols--Parallel Communication Network Using ISA, PCI, PCI--X and Advanced Buses 166 3.12 Internet Enabled Systems--NetWork Protocols 170 3.13 Wireless and ...
Facilitating the Definition of General Constraints in UML ……Security Model Transformation Tolls and Implementation Analyzing Dynamic Models Specifying Transformations MOF Keynote2 Bridging Models Risk, Trust and Dependability Tool Environments OCL Roundtrip Engineering Real Time and Embedded Systems Workshops,...
在1985年,他出版了廣為閱讀的Ward-Mellor三卷本“Structured Development for Real-Time Systems (Prentice Hall)”;在1998年,他的書首次定義了面向對象分析。Stephen還在2002年出版了“Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture (Addison-Wesley Professional) ”。他最近的一本書“MDA Distilled:...
7.2.3 UML在組件測試中的引入205 7.2.4 組件測試方法207 7.3 運行時分析技術209 7.3.1 運行時分析定義209 7.3.2 運行時分析分類210 7.3.3 關鍵運行時參數的測量210 7.3.4 運行時分析的文檔214 7.3.5 運行時分析例子216 7.4 組件測試工具218 7.4.1 Test RealTime特點218 基於RUP的軟體測試...
Tongquan Wei, Junlong Zhou, Kun Cao, Peijin Cong, Mingsong Chen, X. Sharon Hu, and Jianming Yan.Cost-Constrained QoS Optimization for Approximate Computation Real-Time Tasks in Heterogeneous MPSoC Systems. IEEE Transactions on COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2018....
(9) Hong Qu, Xiurui Xie, Yongshuai Liu,Malu Zhang and Li Lu. Improved perception-based spiking neuron learning rule for real-time user authentication. 《Neurocomputing》, Vol. 151, pp. 310 - 318, 2015. 影響因子:2.392,JCR三區 (10) Malu Zhang, Hong Qu*, Xiurui Xie and Jü...
This book contains key contributions to the development of OCL. Most papers are developments of work reported at different conferences and workshops. This unique compilation addresses many important issues faced by advanced professionals and researchers in object modeling like e.g. real-time constraints...
[19] ZouJuan,Zheng Jinhua,Research on Path Planning of Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance of Mechanical Arm Based on Genetic Algorithm,Journal of Networks,錄用(EI源刊)。[20] The effect of diversity maintenance on prediction in dynamic multi-objective optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 2017, 58:...
Software Development.- Components and Generative Programming.- A Component and Communication Model for Push Systems.- A Fine-Grained Model for Code Mobility.- Robots: A Real-Time Systems Architectural Style.- Collaboration and Composition: Issues for a Second Generation Process Language.- Using UML ...
1122ADS設備的數據訪問 1123從PLC程式實現ADS 通信 1124從高級語言實現ADS 通信 113EAP和Realtime EtherNet 1131概述 1132EAP及RT EtherNet通信的配置 114EtherCAT Slave 115EtherCAT橋接模組EL669x的使用 1151適用範圍 1152數據交換的配置步驟 ...
[28]“Development of a Real-time Monitoring System for ECU based on CAN Bus,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (IIS 2010), vol. 1, July 10-11, 2010, Dalian, pp. 273-276.[29]“Software Architecture for the ECU of Automated Manual ...
這項工作大家並不陌生,我們屢次獲得認可,如VB100%和TÜV 反覆認證。作為在 Unix 市場的科技領袖,Avira 發展著尖端標準。其它的Avira創新,包括 Symbian 和世界第一個SAP鑑定的病毒保護解決方案。除了智慧型技術,本著“超越安全(或更多安全)”的企業理念,Avira專家還提供主導的設備解決方案和一對一的支持。
[19] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Hua Sun, Zhilin Qian. Scheduling Real-Time Embedded Systems Based on TCPNIA. Journal of Software. 6(3), pp. 340-348, 2011.[20] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Hua Sun, Zhilin Qian. Quantifying software security based on stochastic Petri nets. Journal of ...
Yirui Jiang, Yucong Duan, Mengxing Huang, Mingrui Chen, Jingbing Li, Hui Zhou: Processing Redundancy in UML Diagrams Based on Knowledge Graph. PAAP 2017: 418-426 Lixu Shao, Yucong Duan, Xiaobing Sun, Honghao Gao, Donghai Zhu, Weikai Miao: Answering Who/When, What, How, Why through ...
Lian Yu, L.F. Xu, G.Z. Wang, et. al., “Testability and Test Framework for Collaborative Real-time Editing Tools”, Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Quality Software, 2007 (QSIC '07). pp.322-327.Lian Yu, W. P. Xiao, C.Y. Chi, L. Ma, H. Su, “Test Case ...
30. Li Peida, Su Nan, Wang Zhiyu, Qiu Jieshan, A Ti3C2Tx MXene-based energy-harvesting soft actuator with self-powered humidity sensing and real-time motion tracking capability, ACS Nano 2021, 15, 16811. 29. Wang Xingyu, Wang Zhiyu, Qiu Jieshan, Stabilizing the MXene by hydration chemis...