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  • 外文名:Purity
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈpjʊərəti]
  • 美式音標:[ˈpjʊrəti]


英 [ˈpjʊərəti] 美 [ˈpjʊrəti]
n. 潔淨,純淨;純潔,清白 ;(聲音、文章、音樂等的)清晰;純度
n. (Purity)(肯)普麗蒂(人名)


high purity 高純度
optical purity 光學純度


  • The water is regularly tested for purity. 水的純度定期受到檢測。
  • The purity of the water is tested regularly. 水的純度定期檢測。
  • White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures. 在西方文化中,白色一向象徵純潔。
  • Purity is an idea for the yogi or the monk. 純潔是瑜伽士或修道士的觀念。
  • There is a pillar there of high purity zinc that stood for the duration. 那裡有一個高純度鋅的柱子,屹立了一段時間。
  • There are many different ways to measure agricultural performance besides food yield: energy use, environmental costs, water purity, carbon footprint and biodiversity. 除了糧食產量之外,還有許多不同的方法來衡量農業表現:能源使用、環境成本、水的純度、碳足跡和生物多樣性。
  • In fact, New Yorks municipal water for more than a century was called the champagne of tap water and until recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity. 事實上,一個多世紀以來,紐約的市政用水一直被稱為自來水中的香檳,它最近被認為是世界上口感和純度最好的水之一。
  • They worried about the purity of tap water. 他們擔心自來水是否潔淨。
  • The soaring purity of her voice conjured up the frozen bleakness of the Far North. 她高亢、清亮的聲音使人們想到了遙遠的北方蕭瑟的冰天雪地。
  • Miss Purity is gentle and humorous. 普麗蒂小姐溫柔而幽默。
  • Quartz Wool was made from high-purity quartz, extremely low in metallic oxide impurities. 試映羊毛採用高純石英製成,非常適用於進樣口襯管。
  • Aluminium bars of technical purity. 達到技術純度要求的鋁錠。
  • In a coolness of purity transparent. 在那一篇冰涼純淨的透明里。
  • The color of purity. 純潔的顏色。
  • In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity. 在紋章學中,白色描繪的是信仰與純潔。
  • This purity of faith is worth more than gold. 純淨的信心比金子還可貴……。
  • This purity was you, is you, and remains as you. 這個純潔的孩子就是你,是你,現在仍然還是你。
  • White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. 白色意味著安全、純潔和清潔。
  • In Emptiness, there is no pollution, just purity. 空之美,這裡沒有污染,只有純淨。
  • Purity, innocent, refreshing, neutral, sterility. 純潔,無辜,恢復,中立,永恆。
  • We too often look for purity in relationships. 我們總是希望一段關係黑白分明。
  • The purity required of the high priest is even greater. 大祭司所需要的純潔程度就更高了。
  • White is commonly associated with purity and perfection. 白色通常與純潔和完美有關。
  • White symbolizes purity, cleanliness, and sophistication. 白色象徵純潔、潔淨和成熟。
  • It is almost a thousand years now and it is in high purity. 到現在差不多一千年了,還是保持在高純度。
  • Microbial starter cultures vary widely in quality and purity. 微生物發酵劑在質量和純度方面通常差異很大。
  • Indeed, there is so much humanity and purity about hard work. 確實,艱苦工作飽含著人性與純潔。
  • But that doesn't mean I haven't struggled to maintain my purity. 但是,那並不意味著我沒有爭取過保持我的純潔。
  • So, the full armor of God includes integrity, purity and serenity. 因此,神的全副武裝,包括正直、純淨與平安。


