《Protein & Cell》是由高等教育出版社、中國科學院北京生命科學研究院和中國生物物理學會聯合創辦的英文學術月刊,Springer負責海外發行。
- 外文名:Protein & Cell
- 語種:英文
- 創刊時間:2010年1月
- 國際刊號:1674-800X
- EISSN:1674-8018
《Protein & Cell》是由高等教育出版社、中國科學院北京生命科學研究院和中國生物物理學會聯合創辦的英文學術月刊,Springer負責海外發行。
Protein&Cell . Jan;2(1):7-12. Epub 2011 Feb 20. (Invited Review)17. Doyle.M.J*, Gao J*, Wang J*,Yang M#,and Potts.P.R#. MAGE-RING protein complexes form a novel family of E3 ubiquitin Ligases.Mol Cell...
《Protein & Cell》英文學術月刊Protein & Cell由高等教育出版社、北京生科院和中國生物物理學會聯合創辦,由Springer負責海外發行,自2010年1月起,每月以紙質印刷和線上兩種形式出版,於2010年11月進入Medline數據檢索系統,2012年11月進入...
2016年11月15日,學術期刊《蛋白質與細胞》(Protein & Cell)以來信(Letter)形式線上發表了一篇題為“關於NgAgo的疑問(Questions about NgAgo)”的文章,由國內外20家實驗室的負責人聯合署名,對河北科技大學副教授韓春雨等人發表在...
13. Huang Z, Wang X, Gao G*..(2010) Analyses of SELEX-derived ZAP-binding RNA aptamers suggest that the binding specificity is determined by both structure and sequence of the RNA . Protein & Cell .14. Wang X?,...
20.Peng B,Li H, Peng XX. (2015) Functional metabolomics: from biomarker discovery to metabolome reprogramming.Protein & Cell6(9), 628-637.21.Peng B,Ma YM, Zhang JY, Li H. (2015) Metabolome strategy againstEdward...
23. Xianchun Wang, Songping Liang. Sample preparation for the analysis of membrane proteomes by mass spectrometry. Protein & Cell. 2012, 3(9):661-668.24. Yong Lin, Hui Liu, Zhonghua Liu,Xianchun Wang, Songping ...
13.Lv Q, Hao H, Bi L, Zheng Y,Zhou X*, Jiang Y*. Suilysin remodels the cytoskeletons of human brain microvascular endothelial cells by activation RhoA and Rac1 GTPase.Protein & Cell. 2014, 5(4):261-4 14....
Zhenguo; Yang, Ying; Li, Qingrun; Zeng, Rong; Kang, Jiuhong; Wu, Jiarui#.Rab1A mediates proinsulin to insulin conversion in beta-cells by maintaining Golgi stability through interactions with golgin-84.PROTEIN & CELL....
Protein& Cell (國際英文學術刊物) 副主編, 2.2009—現在 南京醫科大學基礎醫學院特聘教授5.2006—現在 Cellogenetics, Inc. 總經理, 5.2002-4.2006 Gaithersburg, MD, USA.Igen International, Inc, 資深科學家, 10.2000-4.2002...
Protein & cell , 2016; 7(11):839-843.32. Zhilong Chen, Guifeng Luo, Quanxi Wang*, Song Wang*, Xiaojuan Chi, Yifan Huang, Haitao Wei, Baocheng Wu, Shile Huang and Ji-Long Chen*. Muscovy duck reovirus ...
在Nature Communications,GenomeBiology,Molecular Cell,Cell Research,Bioinformatics,Protein & Cell,Cell Discovery, Cell Biology and Toxicology, Science Bulletin, Scientific Reports, Journal of Gene Medicine等SCI雜誌發表論文20餘篇。其...
2019年1月加入武漢大學病毒學國家重點實驗室/生命科學學院以來,在呼吸道RNA病毒研究中取得系列進展,發現了一種全新的宿主因子靶點廣譜抗病毒、抗炎雙效抑制劑(Protein&Cell 2020,封面論文),推進1個老藥品種進入多國新冠治療的臨床試驗...
2. Gui Miao, Liu Xin, Guo Deyin, Zhang Zhen, Yin Chang-Cheng*, Chen Yu*, Xiang Ye*, 2017. Electron microscopy studies of the coronavirus ribonucleoprotein complex. Protein & Cell, doi:10.1007/s13238-016-0352-8....
HJ#, Cui JY, Pei LJ, Huang SQ, Mao YN, Liu ZM*, Wei K*, Zhu HM*. Single-cell transcriptomics of cardiac progenitors reveals functional subpopulations and their cooperative crosstalk in cardiac repair. Protein & Cell...
Protein & cell,5, 297-306. 5. Yin, P.*, Deng, D.*, Yan, C., Pan, X., Xi, J. J., Yan, N., & Shi, Y. (2012). Specific DNA-RNA hybrid recognition by TAL effectors.Cell reports,2, 707-713. (*...
Protein & Cell . 2018, Nov 14. doi: 10.1007/s13238-018-0593-9.Yumei Liao#, Xiaoji Zhuang#, Xiaojie Huang, Yinghui Peng, Xuanyue Ma, Zhi-Xing Huang,Feng Liu, Junyu Xu, Ying Wang, Wei-Min Chen*, Wen-Cai ...
2011. Xie Q*, Lin J-Z, Qin Y, Zhou J-F, Bu W-J*. Structural diversity of eukaryotic 18S rRNA and its impact on alignment and phylogenetic reconstruction. Protein & Cell 2: 161-170.2010. 謝強, 卜文俊. 進化...