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程雁,男,教授,博士生導師。1986年畢業於北京大學生物系本科, 1995年獲得美國Wisconsin大學(UW-Madison)博士學位,隨後在諾貝爾獎金獲得者和加州大學(UCSF)校長,J. Michael Bishop博士的實驗室從事Hedgehog細胞信號轉導機制的博士後研究。程博士在Science和PNAS 等世界頂級雜誌發表多篇文章,在擔任南醫大特聘教授之前就職於美國Meso-Scale Diagnostics 公司並是美國Cellogenetics公司的創始人。


  • 中文名:程雁
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:教授,博士生導師
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 主要成就:美國Wisconsin大學(UW-Madison)博士學位


主要從事利用功能基因組學與小鼠遺傳學的手段來探討Hedgehog 信號轉導通路在癌症及骨骼形態發育等生物學過程中的功能和分子調控機理。Hedgehog是一種調節組織形態發生和細胞定向分化的多肽類誘導引子。在胚胎髮育的早期,Hedgehog信號轉導通路在多種生物發育過程比如中軸線上組織結構的形成, 肢體發生,和各臟器的非對稱性分布等都起誘導與定位的作用。Hedgehog的誘導作用還體現在調節成體上皮組織的生理功能與更新代謝,維持骨平衡生長,及調節幹細胞分化。此外,在癌症病理形成過程中,Hedgehog以及調控Hedgehog信號轉導通路的基因突變更是導致延髓癌,基底細胞癌,肌瘤癌,前列腺癌,和肺癌的重要因素。其目前的研究工作著重於以下兩方面:第一是闡明Hedgehog信號轉導機理並篩選新的調控因子;第二是以Hedgehog信號轉導通路為靶點探討通過控制Hedgehog通路的活性來治療癌症的新型途徑。


1982-1988 理學士, 北京大學生物系
1986-1988 研究生, 北京大學生物系
1988-1995 哲學博士, 美國威斯康星大學-麥迪遜校區, 生物化學系


南京醫科大學再生醫學中心主任, 1.2009—現在
Protein& Cell (國際英文學術刊物) 副主編, 2.2009—現在
Cellogenetics, Inc. 總經理, 5.2002-4.2006
Gaithersburg, MD, USA.
Igen International, Inc, 資深科學家, 10.2000-4.2002
Cancer Research Training Award Fellow, 4.2000-9.2000
National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD.
Postdoctoral Fellow, 6.1995 -3.2000
G. W. Hooper Foundation, University of California, San Francisco. Graduate research assistant, 8.1988-5.1995


1. Yue, S, Chen, Y, and Cheng, SY. (2009) Hedgehog signaling promotes the degradation of tumor suppressor Sufu through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Oncogene 28:492-6.
2. Yamashita, M., Ying, S.X., Zhang, G., Li, C., Cheng, S.Y., Deng, C. and Zhang, Y.E. (2005) Ubiquitin ligase Smurf1 controls osteoblast activity and bone homeostasis by targeting MEKK2 for degradation. Cell 121:101-113.
3. Cheng*, S.Y., and Bishop, J.M. (2002) Suppressor of Fused represses Gli-mediated transcription by recruiting SAP18-mSin3 corepressor complex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 99:5442-5447.
(* Corresponding author)
4. Cheng, Y., Lund, E., Kahan, B.W., and Dahlberg, J.E. (1997) Control of Mouse U1 snRNA Gene Expression During in vitro Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Nucleic Acid Research 25: 2197-2204.
5. Cheng, Y., Dahlberg, J.E., and Lund, E. (1995) Diverse Effects of the Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor RCC1 on RNA transport. Science 267: 1807-1810.
6. Cheng, SY, and Yue, S. (2008) Role and regulation of human tumor suppressor Sufu in hedgehog signaling. Adv. Cancer Research 101:29-43 (invited review).
7. Stegman, M.A., Vallance, J.E, Elangovan, G., Sosinski, J., Cheng, Y., and Robbins, D.J. (2000) Identification of a Tetrameric Hedgehog Signaling Complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275:1809-1812.
8. Tang, M., Htun, H., Cheng, Y., and Dahlberg, J.E. (1991) Suppression of cyclobutane and mean value of 6-4 dipyrimidines formation in triple stranded H-DNA. Biochemistry 30:7021-7026.


Dahlberg, J.E., Lund, E., Her, L.S., and Cheng, Y. (1996) Method of Inhibition of Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Transport By M-Protein of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus. (5,888,727).
Kenten, J.H., Biebuyck, H., Davydov, I., Pampori, N., Cheng, S.Y., and Nelson, S. (2002) Methods and Reagents for Protein Function Analysis. (10/238,960)


