Portrait of you(李銖銜James演唱的歌曲)

Portrait of you(李銖銜James演唱的歌曲)

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《Portrait of you》是由李銖銜James演唱的歌曲,於2022年06月22日發行歌曲,並收錄《Portrait of you》專輯


  • 外文名:Portrait of you
  • 所屬專輯:Portrait of you
  • 歌曲時長:03分16秒
  • 歌曲原唱:李銖銜James
  • 填詞:陳嬛
  • 譜曲:邱彥誠
  • 編曲:吳思毅
  • 發行日期:2022年6月22日
  • 製作人:陳起賢
  • OP:韶愔音樂娛樂(北京)有限公司
  • 出品發行:韶愔音樂娛樂(北京)有限公司 
The sky is sapphire
Streets are golden
The sun sets in my room
Light colors your hair
Time stands still
I hold my breath as I take in the view
Words can't not begin to say my thoughts on you
I'll paint my heart for you
Your eyes tell the secrets of life
Your lips make me smile like a fool
Someday you'll realize that
You mean the world to me
In the portrait of you
The portrait of you
The sky is sapphire
Streets are golden
The sun sets in my room
Light colors your hair
Time stands still
I hold my breath as I take in the view
Words can't not begin to say my thoughts on you
I'll paint my heart for you
Your eyes tell the secrets of life
Your lips make me smile like a fool
Someday you'll realize that
You mean the world to me
In the portrait of you
The portrait of you


