Popular Problems

Popular Problems

加拿大靈魂歌者Leonard Cohen(萊昂納德·科恩)於9月發行新專輯《Popular Problems》,先行單曲《Almost Like the Blues》於8月發行。

加拿大靈魂歌者Leonard Cohen(萊昂納德·科恩)於9月發行新專輯《Popular Problems》,先行單曲《Almost Like the Blues》於8月發行。
專輯介紹:加拿大民謠詩人Leonard Cohen在迎來自己的80歲生日(9月21日)後,發行了個人音樂生涯的第13張專輯《Popular Problems》。哥倫比亞唱片的CEO/主席Rob Stringer盛讚:“Leonard Cohen又一次用創新的啟示打破固有的音樂疆界。這9首全新的歌曲令人讚嘆,獨樹一幟!激動之餘倍感榮幸能一起見證這張里程碑似的音樂作品。”
There's a new Leonard Cohen album coming out this year. It's called Popular Problems, and will be released on September 23 on Columbia in commemoration of the legendary singer's 80th birthday. (Cohen was born on September 21.) In anticipation of the LP's released, Cohen has shared "Almost Like the Blues", a track which will appear on the album.
The new album was produced by Patrick Leonard and was recorded and mixed by Jesse E. String, with Bill Bottrell providing additional mixing.
1. Slow
2. Almost Like The Blues
3. Samson In New Orleans
4. A Street
5. Did I Ever Love You
6. My Oh My
7. Nevermind
8. Born In Chains
9. You Got Me Singing


