Peter Finger

Peter Finger

Peter Finger ——對於他,相信很多指彈吉他手都不會陌生,這位出生在德國魏瑪的指彈吉他大師早在70年代就已經是散發出自己獨有的音樂氣質,被聽眾稱為“德國指彈吉他之王",在國際上享有極高的聲譽。毋庸置疑,在當今的世界原聲吉他界,他可以算得上最出類拔萃的大師之一,


  • 中文名:Peter Finger
  • 出生地:德國魏瑪
  • 職業:Peter Finger
  • 代表作品:Dream Dancer


Peter Finger ——對於他,相信很多指彈吉他手都不會陌生,這位出生在德國魏瑪的指彈吉他大師早在70年代就已經是散發出自己獨有的音樂氣質,被聽眾稱為“德國指彈吉他之王",在國際上享有極高的聲譽。毋庸置疑,在當今的世界原聲吉他界,他可以算得上最出類拔萃的大師之一,世界上絕大多數國家都留下過Peter Finger的音樂足跡,相信任何一個聽過他音樂的人都會有同樣的感受,Peter的技巧和音樂的結合只能用完美來形容。
Peter Finger的音樂世界里充滿了無限的想像力,流露出其淵博的音樂智慧,他的音樂猶如在歷史和現實之間跌宕穿梭,既有深厚的古典基礎,同時又具有現代音樂的職業素養,細心的聽眾往往會發現其作品中時而會出現一些德彪西、拉威爾、斯特拉文斯基的語調,但又包涵了自己對音樂的理解,或許你在轉瞬間就聽到了從古典到搖滾的轉變,有種飛流直下的驚險。從和聲、旋律以及節奏上,Peter 用一把吉他編織出了獨特的音樂風格,所有的音樂元素的巧妙的結合到了一起,而不是僅僅並排而立,前後沒有絲毫的關聯,這也是為什麼他的東西總能帶給我們一種美妙的享受。
如今Peter Finger 在經營著自己的音樂工作室,另一方面,他也是德國Akustik Gitarre雜誌的出版商,上面雲集了全球各地優秀的原聲音樂家,你要是去德國一定得買一本。


Flow, Acoustic Music Records 1462 (2010)
Dream Dancer, Acoustic Music Records 1337 (2003)
Blue Moon, Acoustic Music Records 1309 (2003)
Open Strings, Acoustic Music Records 1173 (1999)
Between the Lines, Acoustic Music Records 1079 (1995)
Solo, Acoustic Music Records 1032 (1993)
InnenLeben, Acoustic Music Records 1019 (1992)
Colors Of The Night, Shanachioe 97007 (1990)
Niemandsland, Acoustic Music Records 1001 (1989)
Live, Edition Collage 418/10 (1985)
Neue Wege (with Charlie Mariano and Trilok Gurtu), Stockfisch 8015 (1984)
Im Labyrinth (with Florian Poser), Stockfisch 5031 (1982)
Windspiele, Stockfisch 8006 (1980)
Zwei Seiten, Stockfisch 5019 (1979)
Acoustic Rock Guitar, Kicking Mule SNKF 144 (1977)
Bottleneck Guitar Solos, Kicking Mule SNKF 105 (1974)
Guitar Instrumentals, Kicking Mule SNKF 104 (1974)
Finger Picking, ALP 190 (1973)
Peter Finger
“Peter Finger is one of my all time favorite guitarists! His
music is highly refreshing and his playing absolutely wonderfull.“
Sergio Assad
“Peter Finger is a truly unique musician – and I love his work!”
Tommy Emmanuel c.g.p.
“Peter just seems to go from strength to strength.
Everytime I hear him he has moved on and he was pretty
astounding back in the early days. ‘Blue Moon’ is simply awesome.”
John Renbourn
“I think that Peter adds a whole new dimension to the
world of fingerstyle guitar. He’s phenomenal!”
Buster B. Jones
“Peter is a musical bomb exploding with textures, ideas and athmospheres.”
Stefan Grossman
“Peter Finger combines awesome chops with an advanced
compositional sensibility that puts him in the highest echelon
of contemporary acoustic guitarists.”
Laurence Juber
“Peter Finger is a true original guitarist. His music is intelligent,
emotional and captivating. I believe that he’s one of the best
guitarists that ever walked the planet!”
Peppino D’Agostino
“Peter Finger is much more than a great guitarist playing a very
dynamic and intensive music with many orchestral qualities, he is
a real artist and composer using his instrument as a vehicle, with
a very distinctive sound and touch.He also has all my gratitude
for his longtime support to guitar music in general. We owe
him a lot. For all this, thank you Peter!”
Pierre Bensusan
“Peter Finger is a living legend in the world of acoustic guitar music.
A virtuoso guitarist and gifted composer, he’s probably done more
to promote the acoustic guitar than anyone I know.”
Martin Taylor
“Hector Berlioz, one of the greatest masters of orchestration,
says in his method that the guitar (and he played the guitar himself!)
sounds like a small orchestra. When Ilisten to Peter Finger playing his
compositions on the guitar I have the feeling I’m not listening to a
small but to a full symphonic orchestra!”
Marco Pereira
  Rio de Janeiro February, 15th 2005
“The first time I heard Peter Finger completely transformed what I
thought the guitar could do. I was no stranger to sophisticated guitar
music but Peter’s music just opened a whole new world of technique
and melody.”
Kevin Ryan
“Peter Finger writes music with a harmonic palette that is broader than
what usually hears in the acoustic guitar world. His music is interesting,
colorful and full of life. But beyond any analysis, I just like it. I look
forward to each new release, and play the cd’s repeatedly when they arrive.”
David Tanenbaum
“…Peter has crafted a playing style all his own. His compositions represent
some of the most creative, original and exciting music on the guitar scene today…”
Woody Mann
Peter FingerPeter Finger


