《Pep Up Your English:中學第6級(第1集)》辣謎漿:模範英語強化閱讀叢書
作者:(英國)Paul Simmonds (澳大利亞)Maggie Aldhamland 編者:劉道義 (英國)格蘭特(Neville Grant) 合著者:葉在田 等
Paul Simmonds(英國),資深英語教師,有三十年教授英語和培訓英語師資的經驗.並在多個國家從事過英語教育顧問工作:曾為
Maggie AIdhamIand(澳大利亞),英語教科書專業作者和編輯,早年曾在紐西蘭任教,後於1984年受僱於澳大利亞聯邦政府,專職為移民學生編寫英語課本:後來移居英國.曾在劍橋大學出版社,Prentice Hall.CasselI ELT等出版公司擔任教科書編輯:目前於悉尼居住,為悉尼和墨爾本的教育出版機構編寫教材。
《Pep Up Your English:中學第6級(第1集) 第1冊》
《Pep Up Your English:中學第6級(第1集) 第2冊》
《Pep Up Your English:中學第6級(第1集) 第3冊》
《Pep Up Your English:中學第6級(第1集) 第1-3冊 輔導用書》目錄:
第1集 第1冊 馬拉松賽鑽幾夜跑
第1單元 一個足球天才
第2單元 朱古力
第3單元 橫渡大西洋
第4單元 馬拉松賽跑
第5單元 智力
第6單元 比薩斜塔
第7單元 J·K·羅琳和《哈利·波特》
第8單元 “挑戰者”號太空梭的STS一51一L飛行.
第9單元 一種由來已久的疾病祝戰槳
第10單元 自由之路
第1集 第2冊 發明和設計
第1單元 有發條裝置的收音機
第2單元 電視
第說戲糠去3單元 火藥
第4單元 千禧大橋
第5單元 風力
第6單元 水力
第7單元 指南針
第8單元 多產發明家腿拒
第9單元 腳踏車
第10單元 印刷術
第11單元 布萊葉盲文的完善
第12單元 絲綢和絲綢之路
第1集 第3冊 比較
第1單元 不同的學習方式
第2單元 城裡和鄉達影漿提下的對比
第3單元 不同的視角
第4單元 新生活——第一部分
第5單元 各種各樣的動物
第6單腳笑臘元 貓科
第7單元 照料動物
第8單元 新生活——第二部分
第9單元 誰說英語?
第10單元 行星——大的、小的、遠的和近的
第11單元 世界是怎樣創造出來的?
第12單元 新生活——第三部分
Before you start(1-3)Where do you think the compass was invented,and when?Why was having a compassso important and how did it change the world?Talk to fl friend and share what you knowabout compasses,then read the first passage.Reading(1)The compass 11)In the very early days of sea transport,few sailors ventured out of sight ofIand。There were two main reasons for this.First,many of them were afraidthat they might fall off the edge of the world.Many people believed thatthe world was flat,rather Iike a plate,and that if a shiP went too far it wouldfaII off the edge and wouId be lost for ever.The second reason was thatalthough they couId normaIlY see the Sun,the stars or the Moon they oftenhad little idea of where they were going if the sky was very cloudy and ifthey were out of sight of land.Two thousand five hundred years ago in China,people had already masteredmethods of smelting iron and making iron tools。Their contact with iron oreand iron helped them to discover the magnetic properties of the metaI.There is a story(which may of course not be completely true)that a gate ofthe Qin dynasty palace was made of a piece of stone that contained a largeamount of iron ore.If soldiers secretly carrying weapons or armour tried toenter the gate,their weapons or their armour wouId become stuck to thegate and they wouId be unable to enter.Magnetic stones were often described in thepast as“south pointers”and traveIlers on landwouId sometimes use them tO find their way.Two thousand years ago,du ring the WarringStates Period.travellers used a spoon-shapedpointer where the handIe always pointed tothe south.The spoon-shaped stone would beplaced on a plate with a very smooth surfaceso that the base 0f the spoon couId rotatesmoothIy a13d come to rest pointing south..
第1集 第3冊 比較
第1單元 不同的學習方式
第2單元 城裡和鄉下的對比
第3單元 不同的視角
第4單元 新生活——第一部分
第5單元 各種各樣的動物
第6單元 貓科
第7單元 照料動物
第8單元 新生活——第二部分
第9單元 誰說英語?
第10單元 行星——大的、小的、遠的和近的
第11單元 世界是怎樣創造出來的?
第12單元 新生活——第三部分
Before you start(1-3)Where do you think the compass was invented,and when?Why was having a compassso important and how did it change the world?Talk to fl friend and share what you knowabout compasses,then read the first passage.Reading(1)The compass 11)In the very early days of sea transport,few sailors ventured out of sight ofIand。There were two main reasons for this.First,many of them were afraidthat they might fall off the edge of the world.Many people believed thatthe world was flat,rather Iike a plate,and that if a shiP went too far it wouldfaII off the edge and wouId be lost for ever.The second reason was thatalthough they couId normaIlY see the Sun,the stars or the Moon they oftenhad little idea of where they were going if the sky was very cloudy and ifthey were out of sight of land.Two thousand five hundred years ago in China,people had already masteredmethods of smelting iron and making iron tools。Their contact with iron oreand iron helped them to discover the magnetic properties of the metaI.There is a story(which may of course not be completely true)that a gate ofthe Qin dynasty palace was made of a piece of stone that contained a largeamount of iron ore.If soldiers secretly carrying weapons or armour tried toenter the gate,their weapons or their armour wouId become stuck to thegate and they wouId be unable to enter.Magnetic stones were often described in thepast as“south pointers”and traveIlers on landwouId sometimes use them tO find their way.Two thousand years ago,du ring the WarringStates Period.travellers used a spoon-shapedpointer where the handIe always pointed tothe south.The spoon-shaped stone would beplaced on a plate with a very smooth surfaceso that the base 0f the spoon couId rotatesmoothIy a13d come to rest pointing south..