It seems as good a day as anytime 看上去這是很適合 To start my trek across the ocean 開始我橫跨海洋的路程的一天. With no funds for ship or sail 沒有錢去坐船或者迎風揚帆 I'll use my legs and my devotion 那么我就靠我的雙腳和執著.
An aqua bike will be my vessel 用一個水中腳踏車來當我的交通工具 And high adventure the land I seek 我尋找探險的地方 So farewell friends who've come to gather 所以再見所有前來聚會的朋友們 Waving hankies tear on cheek 揮揮手絹, 淚流臉頰,喔.... It's a long long way to go on a pedalo a pedalo 在腳踏船上將有一段很長很長的路要走 It's a long long way to go on a pedalo a pedalo 在腳踏船上將有一段很長很長的路要走 My joy was surging spirit soaring 我的歡樂在迸發, 我的精神在煥發 The sky was huge the sea was placid 天如此高遠, 海如此寧靜 But soon my vim was somewhat dimmed 但是很快我開始有些黯淡 By bucketloads of lactic acid 我的肌肉開始酸痛 And then a ship took me aboard 然後一艘船邀請我上去 Was full of whiskey and hearty sailors 船上滿是威士忌和熱情的水手 I rested up then pedaled onwards 我好好的休息了一會, 然後繼續踩著腳踏船前行 Once I found out they were whalers 因為我發現他們是捕鯨者 It's a long long way to go on a pedalo a pedalo 在腳踏船上將有一段很長很長的路要走 It's a long long way to go on a pedalo a pedalo 在腳踏船上將有一段很長很長的路要走 I saw a mermaid thwarted pirates 我看見了一條美人魚, 擊退了海盜 Wrestled sea squids this and more 和烏賊搏鬥, 等等 But as I ponder that horizon 但是當我看著地平線 I fancy someone moved the shore 我幻想有人移動了海灘 Oh Hope can come and hope can go 喔, 希望會來, 希望也會走 But for the most part seems to go 但是似乎總是走得比來得多 But still I huff and still I puff 但是我仍然努力, 我仍然努力 In my yellow pedalo 在我的黃色腳踏船上 It's a long long way to go on a pedalo a pedalo 在腳踏船上將有一段很長很長的路要走 It's a long long way to go on a pedalo a pedalo 在腳踏船上將有一段很長很長的路要走 It's a long long way to go on a pedalo a pedalo 在腳踏船上將有一段很長很長的路要走 It's a long long way to go on a pedalo a pedalo 在腳踏船上將有一段很長很長的路要走 It's a long long way to go 一段很長很長的路要走 It's a long long way to go 一段很長很長的路要走 It's a long long way to go 一段很長很長的路要走