這是一個小的書,寫得很好很簡潔,具有豐富的資料為初學者和自我教導的藝術家。困難的一部分自我教學是填寫間隙體積涵蓋了基礎——這很好,更重要的是,給具有挑戰性的思想和方法使用更便宜的材料和彩色誰想拿起淡,但並沒有真正的現金去得到一大套或Sennelier一致。墊Canson mi-Tientes和24顏色組彩色或柔和的鉛筆足以工作得和她的項目。
- 書名:Pastels
- 作者:Margaret Evans
- 頁數:96
- 出版社:HarperCollins
- 出版時間:2008-06-24
- 裝幀:平裝
尺寸及重量/Dimensions & Weight:6.04 x 7.77 x 0.3 cm ; 0.204 kg
所屬分類/Category:圖書> 英文原版書> Arts & Photography(藝術與攝影)
定 價:¥78.30
It's a small book, very concise and well written with a wealth of material for beginners and self taught artists. Part of the difficulty in self teaching is filling in gaps -- this volume covers the basics well and more than that, gives challenging ideas and ways to use less expensive materials and pastels for someone who wants to take up pastel but doesn't really have the cash to go getting a large set of Unison or Sennelier. A pad of Canson mi-Tientes and a 24 color set of pastels or pastel pencils would be enough to work with what she's got for projects.
The sheer amount of information covered is wonderful. Also since it's geared to thirty minute art, the book's very good for encouraging sketching and drawing fast and copious. You could have fun with this with a sketchbook and a set of 12 color Conte or Nupastels too.
Oil pastel techniques are not covered, for that you'd want Bill Creevy's "The Pastel Book" which has a lot of information on using oil pastels.
Do you want to paint beautiful pastels quickly and easily? This handy, practical guide encourages fast and simple learning. By working with just a few materials and focusing on key techniques, you can create successful pastels in no more than half an hour. With clear, easy-to-follow instructions, original color illustrations, and expert advice from a leading artist, Pastels provides excellent ideas, projects, and techniques for quick and easy art. The ideal book for today's busy amateur artists.
Margaret Evans is a professional artist and art teacher. A past president of the Society for All Artists and pastel advisor, she is best-known for her pastel painting, but also teaches watercolors, oils, acrylics, and other media. Evans is a member of the Portrait Society of America and is featured regularly in the International Artist magazine. Her numerous teaching videos and DVDs are available worldwide.