Combining a character-driven supernatural thriller with scenes of exciting martial arts action, this mixed-genre short finds athletic young mother ELAINE WAYS (Debra Hopkins, "Lambada,Set the Night on Fire", "Karen Sisco", "Melrose Place") struggling to protect her young daughter SAMANTHA (11-year-old Danielle Reneé Fazio) from dark forces that threaten not just their lives, but her sanity. A cryptic phone call from a mysterious couple (Don S. Davis, "Stargate SG-1", "The X-Files" and Andrea Thompson, "NYPD Blue", "24") heightens the tension, while visions of her dead husband DEREK (Gerald Hopkins, "Blood Deep"," Pentathalon","General Hospital") foreshadow an intense emotional breakdown and the revelation of a shocking truth that leads to a surprising double-twist ending, sure to have audiences talking long after leaving the film. 3d
導演 | 編劇 | 剪輯 |
Kenneth Mader | Gerald Hopkins、Kenneth Mader | Kenneth Mader |