PHP Master

PHP Master

《PHP Master》是SitePoint出版的圖書,作者是Davey Shafik,Lorna Mitchell,Matthew Turland


  • 作者:Davey Shafik、Lorna Mitchell、Matthew Turland
  • 出版時間:2011年11月4日
  • 出版社:SitePoint
  • 頁數:400 頁
  • ISBN:9780987090874
  • 定價:39.95 美元
  • 裝幀:Paperback


PHP Master is tailor-made for the PHP developer who's serious about taking their server-side applications to the next level and who wants to really keep ahead of the game by adhering to best practice, employing the most effective object-oriented programming techniques, wrapping projects in layers of security and ensuring their code is doing its job perfectly. * Create professional, dynamic applications according to an object-oriented programming blueprint * Learn advanced performance evaluation techniques for maximum site efficiency * Brush up on the best testing methods to refine your code and keep your applications watertight * Protect your site against attacks and vulnerabilities with the latest security systems * Plug in to some serious functionality with PHP's APIs and libraries


Lorna Mitchell,資深PHP技術專家,常駐英國利茲的PHP顧問,從事軟體開發相關工作多年,尤其擅長與數據和API相關的知識。活躍於PHP社區,是美國西北部PHP技術社群的組織者,曾組織過多次社團會議並發表演講,是開源項目Joind.in的領導者。她還是一位技術作家,熱衷於分享自己的經驗,經常在多種流行雜誌和網站上發表技術文章。
Davey Shafik,資深LAMP技術專家,精通PHP,在HTML、CSS、JavaScript等Web相關技術領域也積累了十分豐富的經驗。他還是一位經驗豐富的技術作家,不僅發表了大量的技術文章,而且著有《The PHP Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks》和《PHP Architect’s Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide》等著作。
Matthew Turland,資深PHP技術專家,有近10年PHP開發經驗,是PHP 5和Zend Framework的Zend認證工程師。他是Zend Framework、 PHPUnit和Phergie等PHP開源項目的參與者,為這些項目撰寫了大量文章。他還是一位經驗豐富的技術作家,不僅撰寫了《PHP Architect’s Guide to Web Scraping with PHP》等著作,而且還在《PHP Architect》等雜誌上發表了大量文章。


