是一款不鏽鋼材質的感測器 綜合精度高,穩定性好 PGD稱重感測器安裝高度低 安裝方便,快速 雷射焊接密封 防護等級IP 68,具有較好的防水防濕功能 PGD稱重感測器含有10米的電纜 可提供高溫感測器,最高工作溫度為200℃ 梅特勒托利多PGD稱重感測器專用於系統過程控制,適用於化工、鋼鐵、醫藥等行業的配料稱重控制。 The sensor is a stainless steel Synthesis of high precision, good stability and low installation height of PGD weighing sensor installation is convenient, fast Laser welding sealing Protection class IP 68, has a good waterproof and moistureproof function PGD weighing sensor containing cable 10 meters Can provide high temperature sensor, the maximum working temperature is 200 ℃ Mettler Toledo PGD weighing sensors dedicated to the process control system, suitable for chemical, steel, pharmaceutical industry batching and weighing control. PGD稱重感測器所有型號: 梅特勒托利多PGD-2t稱重感測器 Mettler Toledo PGD-5t稱重感測器 PGD稱重感測器PGD-10t稱重感測器