2015年8月9日,金曲歌王林俊傑與資深音樂人李迪文在新加坡50周年國慶慶典上,以不同的方式演唱國慶主題曲《Our Singapore》,而繼李迪文演繹版本的MV5月推出後,由林俊傑演唱的另一版本MV也於7月在網上首度曝光。值得一提的是,林俊傑曾在2004年新加坡國慶慶典上與陳潔儀合唱膾炙人口的《Home》,所以這次也是他時隔11年再度獻唱國慶主題曲。
It isn't easy building something out of nothing
Especially when the road ahead's a rocky one
But if we gather all our courage and conviction
And hold our dream up high
The challenge will be won
So now we look around us and we see
A nation built with love by you and me
A land to treasure right down to the core
Our home, our heart, our Singapore
Our home, our heart, our Singapore
Through many years gone by, we've moved ahead together
We've built a brave new world where we could shine and grow
And now we only have to look towards tomorrow
To carry on the dream as far as it will go
So now we look around us and we see
A nation built with love by you and me
A land to treasure right down to the core
Our home, our heart, our Singapore
Our home, our heart, our Singapore
And amazing as it seems
It all started with a dream
And our dreaming isn't done
Cause the best is yet to come
Our home, our heart, our Singapore
Our home, our heart, our dream, our Singapore
Singapore, Singapore, our Singapore
林俊傑版本的《Our Singapore》節奏輕快,充滿朝氣活力,旋律奮發激昂,連帶MV的呈獻方式亦如此。MV在網上流傳後,點擊收看的網友大多非新加坡人,有的看過視頻才恍然“原來林俊傑是新加坡人”,也有不少網友贊他是“新加坡國寶”、“新加坡的驕傲”。
時間 | 地點 | 演出 | 參考資料 |
2015年8月9日 | 新加坡 | 新加坡50周年國慶慶典 |