



  • 外文名:Onward
  • 詞性:形容詞、副詞




Onward ticket去程機票 ; 員工自理
Ever Onward永遠向前
onward point續飛點
Onward Upward上升前進進行曲
onward movement前進運動
Stove onward向前挪動
onward visa前往他國簽證
onward journey續程


  • 1The Yellow River surges onward like ten thousand horses galloping.黃河以萬馬奔騰之勢滾滾向前。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 2With those words Heidi returned to Clara, while the goatherd was hurrying onward, angrily shaking his fists.說著這些話,海蒂回到了克拉拉身邊,而牧童正生氣地揮舞著他的拳頭,匆匆向前走去。
  • 3The bus continued onward.公車繼續前行。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4From here, it has been onward and upward all the way.由此開始,它一直在發展、高升。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Ticket prices include your flight and onward rail journey.票價包括您的飛行航程和接續的鐵路旅費。《牛津詞典》
  • 6From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines.從世紀之交以後,她就過著和土著人一樣的生活。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7American Airlines have two flights a day to Bangkok, and there are onward flights to Phnom Penh.美國航空公司每天有兩個航班飛到曼谷,還有接著飛金邊的航班。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8The ensuing rapid expansion of irrigation agriculture, especially from the 1950s onward, transformed the economy of the region.隨之而來的灌溉農業的迅速發展,特別是從20世紀50年代以來,改變了該區域的經濟。
  • 9But somewhere from the 19th century onward, more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless, phony or, worst of all, boring, as we went from Wordsworth's Daffodils to Baudelaire's Flowers of Evil.但從19世紀某個時間點開始,更多的藝術家開始認為幸福毫無意義,是虛假的,最糟糕的是有人認為它很無趣,就像我們從華茲華斯的《詠水仙》到波德萊爾的《惡之花》中讀到的一樣。
  • 10So can the movement of aphids when, having depleted the young leaves on one food plant, their offspring then fly onward to a different host plant, with no one aphid ever returning to where it started.蚜蟲的運動也是如此,當吃完一株食用植物的幼葉,它們的後代會飛到另一株宿主植物上,沒有蚜蟲會再回到最初的地方。
  • 11From day 23 onward the vessel was in port discharge.從第23天起,這艘船就停泊在卸貨港。
  • 12I was nervous, but I led the parade onward.我精神緊張,但是仍率領著這支隊伍前進。
  • 13We paced onward.我們向前跑去。
  • 14His equity was diluted from that point onward.他的權益被稀釋就是從那個時候開始的。
  • 15His grey beard almost touched the ground, as he crept onward.他深貓著腰朝前走著,灰白的鬍鬚幾乎觸到了地面。
  • 16Corn ethanol is capped at 15 billion gallons from 2015 onward.玉米乙醇產量到2015年將超過150億加侖。
  • 17I am confident of our strategic plans in China for 2006 and onward.我對我們2006年及以後的中國經營戰略充滿信心。
  • 18From hereabout the long road was fairly level for some distance onward.從這兒再往前,這條漫長的道路就有一段比較平坦。
  • 19Many young couples try to move onward and upward during their marriage.許多年輕夫婦都希望能夠婚姻美滿幸福。
  • 20Whether I must wait for 25 years onward to prove the truth of my conclusions?我是否必須要等待25年才能證實我的推論的正確性?
  • 21After several minutes of heateddiscussion, she decides it's time to push onward.經過幾分鐘激烈的爭論之後,她決定繼續挺進。
  • 22Since that pilot project, Malamulele Onward has sent volunteers to other rural hospitals.自從這一試驗項目起,Malamulele Onward向更多鄉村醫院輸送志願者。
  • 23The elderly man told the author stories about his life, from the Great Depression onward.這位老者向作者講述了自己從大蕭條時期起的生活。
  • 24But when you're wondering whether to press onward or give up entirely, what you need is affirmation.但是當你已經知道是否向前推進或徹底放棄的時候,你需要的是一個肯定。
  • 25The onward march of the public sector may have some other unintended consequences in the private one.國企的前進或許對私企有些預料之外的影響。
  • 26If they didn't want him to return, they were to do nothing, and he would remain on the train as it traveled onward.他們要是不希望他回來,就什麼也不需要做了,而他將繼續留在火車上往前走。


