Ominous Bloodline

《Ominous Bloodline》是由Beheaded演唱的一首歌曲。


  • 歌曲:Ominous Bloodline
  • 語種:英語
  • 發行日期:2005年03月08日
  • 歌手:Beheaded
  • 所屬專輯:Ominous Bloodline
Ominous Bloodline - Beheaded
Revenous eyes essence oozes off dazing walls
Preyed upon by eyes - impaled by looks of gall
Mentally conveyed unto seas of senseless lore
Adrift upon waters - veiling the depths of sore
Faces contort, limbs entwine in one surreal carnage
Bewildering imagery fruit of a regressed lineage
Melancholic poesy perpetuating autumn tones
The November breeze heading for times now gone
The blood bath is spilled soaking arid earth
Raging cries saturate air in a dissonance of ailment
Cadence of disease set at an ascendant pace
Withering time claws at moribund remains
Crawling in an absolute absence of vision
Absorbing grim - radiating in utter revulsion
Melancholic poesy perpetuating autumn tones
The November breeze heading for times now gone
Crawling in an absolute absence of vision
Absorbing grim - radiating in utter revulsion
Swarming ideologies cluster as one ill creation
Orb of inverted wisdom spawning since inception
Undurated at heart whilst tracing the path of rebirth
Submerged in loathe - seeking to heave off the absurd
Blindly - enthralled in an ominous bloodline
Roving mids fragments of memory
Set apart in time
Nourished by abhorrence down the ages
Ancestral odium woven in centuries remerges
Swarming ideologies cluster as one ill creation
Orb of inverted wisdom spawning since inception
Undurated at heart whilst tracing the path of rebirth
Submerged in loathe - seeking to heave off the absurd
Blindly - enthralled in an ominous bloodline
Roving mids fragments of memory
Set apart in time
Nourished by abhorrence down the ages
Ancestral odium woven in centuries remerges
The blood bath is spilled soaking arid earth
Raging cries saturate air in a dissonance of ailment
Cadence of disease set at an ascendant pace
Withering time claws at moribund remains
Revenous eyes essence oozes off dazing walls
Preyed upon by eyes - impaled by looks of gall
Mentally conveyed unto seas of senseless lore
Adrift upon waters - veiling the depths of sore
Faces contort, limbs entwine in one surreal carnage
Bewildering imagery fruit of a regressed lineage
Melancholic poesy perpetuating autumn tones
The November breeze heading for times now gone
Crawling in an absolute absence of vision
Absorbing grim - radiating in utter revulsion
Set apart in time
Nourished by abhorrence down the ages
Ancestral odium woven in centuries remerges
Swarming ideologies cluster as one ill creation
Orb of inverted wisdom spawning since inception
Undurated at heart whilst tracing the path of rebirth
Submerged in loathe - seeking to heave off the absurd
Blindly - enthralled in an ominous bloodline
Roving mids fragments of memory
Set apart in time
Nourished by abhorrence down the ages
Ancestral odium woven in centuries remerges
The blood bath is spilled soaking arid earth
Raging cries saturate air in a dissonance of ailment
Cadence of disease set at an ascendant pace
Withering time claws at moribund remains
Revenous eyes essence oozes off dazing walls
Preyed upon by eyes - impaled by looks of gall
Mentally conveyed unto seas of senseless lore
Adrift upon waters - veiling the depths of sore
Faces contort, limbs entwine in one surreal carnage
Bewildering imagery fruit of a regressed lineage
Melancholic poesy perpetuating autumn tones
The November breeze heading for times now gone
Crawling in an absolute absence of vision
Absorbing grim - radiating in utter revulsion


