《OVERCOMING TRAUMA THROUGH YOGA》是2011年Random House US出版社出版的圖書,作者是Bessel van der Kolk M.D.。
- 作者:Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
- 出版社:Random House US出版社
- 出版時間:2011年4月
- 開本:32 開
- 裝幀:平裝
- ISBN:9781556439698
Survivors of trauma—whether abuse, accidents, or war—can endup profoundly wounded, betrayed by their bodies that failed to getthem to safety and that are a source of pain. In order to fullyheal from trauma, a connection must be made with oneself, includingone’s body. The trauma-sensitive yoga described in this book movesbeyond traditional talk therapies that focus on the mind, bybringing the body actively into the healing process. This allowstrauma survivors to cultivate a more positive relationship to theirbody through gentle breath, mindfulness, and movementpractices.
Overcoming Trauma through Yoga is a book for survivors,clinicians, and yoga instructors who are interested in mind/bodyhealing. It introduces trauma-sensitive yoga, a modified approachto yoga developed in collaboration between yoga teachers andclinicians at the Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute, ledby yoga teacher David Emerson, along with medical doctor Bessel vander Kolk. The book begins with an in-depth de*ion of traumaand post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including a de*ionof how trauma is held in the body and the need for body-basedtreatment. It offers a brief history of yoga, describes variousstyles of yoga commonly found in Western practice, and identifiesfour key themes of trauma-sensitive yoga. Chair-based exercises aredescribed that can be incorporated into individual or grouptherapy, targeting specific treatment goals, and modifications areoffered for mat-based yoga classes. Each exercise includestrauma-sensitive language to introduce the practice, as well asphotographs to illustrate the poses. The practices have beenoffered to a wide range of individuals and groups, including menand women, teens, returning veterans, and others. Rounded out byvaluable quotes and case stories, the book presents mindfulness,breathing, and yoga exercises that can be used by homepractitioners, yoga teachers, and therapists as a way to cultivateawareness, tolerance, and an increased acceptance of the self.
David Emerson is the director of yoga services at the Trauma Center (traumacenter.org). In 2003 he codesigned the Trauma Center Yoga Program that includes classes and teacher training programs. He lives in Cambridge, MA. Elizabeth Hopper, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in traumatic stress and works as the associate director of training at the Trauma Center. She lives in Somerville, MA.