Neri Per Caso

Neri Per Caso是一個音樂團體,於1992年成立於義大利薩勒諾。


  • 外文名:Neri Per Caso
  • 成立時間:1992年
  • 地區:義大利
  • 類別:音樂團體


有著”a cappella”唱法頂尖水平的義大利樂團, Neri Per Caso於1992年成立於義大利薩勒諾.由一對兄弟(Ciro&Gonzalo)和他們的堂兄弟(Diego&Domenico)以及他們的朋友(Mario&Massimo)組成.從上世紀50年代興起的doo-wop(“嘟”-”嗚”等聲唱詞)唱法中獲得靈感.
Neri Per Caso
Neri Per Caso在薩勒諾舉行了第一次公演.一次音樂會後,他們在羅馬遇見了”伯樂”-----Claudio Mattone.1995年Neri Per Caso以一曲”Le Ragazze”在薩勒諾音樂節上贏得了最佳新人獎和可觀的讚譽,這首歌被收錄在同名專輯中.同時還有一些以”a cappella”方式演奏的有影響力的義大利流行歌曲. 例如單曲”Sentimento Pentimento”.通過獨特的音樂風格(演奏中不使用任何樂器,單純使用人聲)和動聽的旋律,他們直達義大利排行榜榜首.第二年, Neri Per Caso攜浪漫抒情的 “Mai Più Sola”重返薩勒諾音樂節,隨後發表了第二張專輯”Strumenti”,並第一次使用音響和電子樂器伴奏.
同年,他們發表了”聖誕歌曲選集”- “And So This Is Christmas”.隨後在1997年, Neri Per Caso錄製了這張專輯的西班牙文版並於次年發布.1999年他們在亞洲和拉丁美洲舉行了巡演.第五張唱片集”Angelo Blu”於2000年發行,收錄了單曲”Sarà”(義大利文,翻唱自Tavares的”Heaven Must Be Missing an Angel”).
為了慶祝成立十周年, Neri Per Caso在2002年發行了精選集”La Raccolta”包括了2首新曲目和之前所有的主打曲目以及成名曲,其中”Quando”出自1996年迪士尼公司出品的動畫電影”巴黎聖母院”義大利文版原聲帶.在其後幾年中,樂團把主要精力放在了舉行演唱會上---在新加坡和拉丁美洲的公演;
2008年Neri Per Caso發行了新的專輯”Angoli Diversi”,完整地收錄了各個版本的著名義大利歌曲翻唱並加入了他們有獨創性的理解,包括Mario Biondi, Lucio Dalla, Pooh, Gino Paoli, and Claudio Baglioni.


The first Italian band to reach the top of the charts singing a cappella, Neri Per Caso formed in Salerno in 1992, their lineup consisting of brothers Ciro and Gonzalo Caravano, their cousins Diego and Domenico Pablo “Mimì” Caravano (brothers themselves), and friends Mario Crescenzo and Massimo de Divitiis. Inspired by 1950s doo wop, they played their first gigs in Salerno and on cruise boats. After a concert in Rome they met their future producer, Claudio Mattone. In 1995 they achieved considerable fame winning the New Artists section of the Sanremo Music Festival with the song “Le Ragazze,” included in the album of the same title, along with the single “Sentimento Pentimento” and some a cappella renditions of famous Italian pop songs. Thanks to their unusual vocal style (without any instrument to back them) and their catchy tunes, they immediately reached the top of the Italian charts. The following year they returned to the Sanremo Music Festival with the romantic ballad “Mai Più Sola” and then released their second album, Strumenti, in which for the first time their voices was accompanied by both acoustic and electronic instruments.
That same year they released a collection of Christmas songs, And So This Is Christmas, followed in 1997 by Neri Per Caso, for which they also recorded a Spanish version that was released one year later. Then, in 1999, Neri Per Caso toured Asia and Latin America. Their fifth effort, Angelo Blu, came out in 2000, and included the single “Sarà” (an Italian translation of Tavares' “Heaven Must Be Missing an Angel”). To celebrate their tenth year of activity, in 2002 Neri Per Caso released the anthology La Raccolta, which included two new tracks and all their greatest hits -- one of them being “Quando,” from the soundtrack of the Italian version of the 1996 Walt Disney animated feature The Hunchback of Notre Dame. During the following years, the band concentrated on playing live, with gigs in Singapore and Latin America; then in 2008 Neri Per Caso released a new album called Angoli Diversi, entirely comprised of cover versions of famous Italian songs performed along with their original interpreters, including Mario Biondi, Lucio Dalla, Pooh, Gino Paoli, and Claudio Baglioni.
Neri Per Caso 是一個早期的”a cappella”唱法音樂組合.成員是六個好朋友:兩兄弟和他們的堂兄以及他們共同的朋友.很不可思議吧?但就是這樣.事實上唱歌本來只是他們十分熱衷的一個愛好,但是當天賦顯現出來的時候…
在成為專業的音樂人之前,他們的工作是完全不同的.我記得非常清楚,在90年代初期的每個晚上,無論在哪裡,當我失眠就會收聽十分喜歡的音樂節目,一個新的音樂組合出現了.那個由朋友組成的樂團唱著”a cappella”,播放了很多很多歌曲.他們還翻唱了許多著名歌曲,讓人印象深刻.
他們叫做”Neri per caso”,意思是”偶然穿著黑色”;早期的一個採訪中問起了他們的命名:樂團的名字是什麼?沒有明確的答案.但是那個晚上樂團所有成員都穿著黑色的衣服. “Neri per Caso”成為了組合的名字.幾年之後,1995年我在薩勒諾(音樂節)見到了以新人身份出現的Neri per Caso,並支持了他們.而一曲”Le ragazze” (The Girls)也使他們贏得了發行的勝利,這是他們成名曲中的一首.目前Neri per Cas已經是義大利最富盛名以及最優秀的組合之一,長久以來一直以無樂器單純用人聲伴奏使他們成為最有代表性的”a cappella”音樂團體.
歷史上,修道院的修士們利用”a cappella”合唱來表達真誠,因為共同歌唱是出自共同的祈禱.通常三個教徒組成一個”a cappella”團體合唱宗教音樂.美國南部這種類型的合唱已經成為了一種傳統.在80年代和90年代 Manhattan Transfer使這種音樂在全世界流行.
現在義大利似乎成了另一個”a cappella”組合發展的黃金地區:在上一版發行的X Factor 義大利文版中出現了很多組合.其中一個叫做 ARAM QUARTET,他們贏得了比賽.
關於Neri per Caso的流行,目前僅在義大利有很大一批追隨者,但他們並不是在其他國家也如此受歡迎.因此我希望能通過一些文章和曲目介紹來幫助這個團體取得更大成功.他們非常的優秀,在他們的MySpace,你能找到一些最近的曲目
NERI PER CASO is a vocal group 'a cappella'* ; one of the first in the last years. The components are six friends all along: two brothers; Their cousins: others two brothes and two friends of all Them. It seems a good novel, but is real: in fact to sing was only a big hobby for Them, but when there is talent... They comes from Salerno, - one of most beautiful Town in “Amalfi Coast”, a place absolutly to visit for it beauty of nature, for History, architeture, arts, etc.. - situated in Campania, near Naples.
Before becomes professionl musicians their works were total differents. I remember very well when a night, in the first of '90's, while I cannot sleep, I heared my preferred music-radio progam, where, every night, a new group were showed. That group of Friends sungs 'a cappella' and that night songs some songs , interpreted many famous songs: They were impressives!
The name “Neri per caso” means “Dressed in black by chance”; the first time a journalist, after heated them called: what is Yors name? They didn't has one, but that night all members of group dressed in black: “Neri per Caso”, now is the name of grup. When few years later, in 1995 I seen Them in Sanremo as 'youngers' I supported Them, and They won that edition, withthe song “Le ragazze” (The Girls), one of they best success ever. Now Neri per Caso is one of most knows Italian vocal groups, the first one, after many, many years to sing 'a cappella', a tipicaly chorus without instruments; only voices.
That is one of most older kind of music. Some scientists thinks the men before starts to sing, and only after, to talks. That evidence is on the babies. The first words they speaks only after the first year old , while they makes' notes whith their voices.
In the History, religious monks in monastry used 'a cappella' chorus for the semplicity and because to sing together is an expressive form very similar to a prayer. The 3 monotheist's religions has 'a cappella ' chorus, and still often is, used in religious music; in States of South of U.S. that kind of chorus has a big tradition and in '80's and '90's Manhattan Transfert keeps that music in all the world. Now in Italy it seems another gold era for 'a cappella' Groups: in the last edition of 'X Factor Italian version many groups presents, and one of these: ARAM QUARTET, wins the evet. The popularity,of Neri per Caso, now, is only in Italy: they has a good number of funs, but They didn't still success in other Countries and I hope, with that little article and with the playlist above, to help that Group: They are very giood. In Their MySpace, You can find some tracks of last songs
Neri per caso
La raccolta
Le Ragazze
Made In Italy
Angoli Diversi


