Nebelung is the ancient german name for november, the month of melancholy and herald of forthcoming winter. It is at this time of the year – when the last leaves have fallen and the land lies bare and bleak –, when man has to let go his weapons and confess his weakness towards the omnipotence of nature. It is the time of coming home, embracing the beloved ones and drawing nearer to the fire. For those, who wander lonely through the nights, it is the time of introspectiveness, sorrow and despair. With their music, Nebelung capture these feelings, mirroring in autumn rain and winter nights.
Nebelung as a project was born in the autumn of 2004. Still its roots lead further back to a fullmoon Beltane night in the year of 1999, when Stefan and Thomas were wandering the forests around the Brocken in the german mountains of the Harz. In this night the woods revealed their stunning beauty and gave rise to a higher mystical understanding of man and nature. It is this spirituality, which inspires Nebelung to their lyrics and musical lines - dreaming deeper into woods and silence.
結尾曲《Nebelung》是樂隊的同名歌曲,詮釋了“Nebelung”的內在涵義。低沉的吉他伴隨著Stefan慵懶深沉地歌聲走進深秋的森林,一步一步走向寧靜,走向埋葬。末尾的那段冗長深遠的和聲漸漸遠去,死如秋葉一樣靜美的結局預示新一輪復生。樂隊成員Stefan Otto 和Thomas List相識於1997年,兩位熱愛文學和音樂的青年都來自德國波恩,隸屬德國第一大工業區魯爾區,然而他們後來的音樂氣質卻和這種現代工業氣息是格格不入的,遠離了現代工業的滾滾硝煙和城市喧譁,走進內心的是森林的靜謐和華美。“Nebelung在古老德語里是十一月的意思。在Nebelung看來,十一月是充滿憂鬱氣息的季節,預示著冬天即將來臨,契合Thomas和Stefan兩位主創在音樂和情感上的內在氣質,映射在歌詞和旋律里所表達的情感,主要是關於憂慮和悲傷,就等同於夜晚和秋天。Nebelung的音樂中的另外一個主題就是自然的全能和人類的柔弱。對他們而言,十一月最為清晰地呈現了自然的力量。 ”