NGTC 全稱為National Gemological Training Centre 隸屬於國土資源部珠寶玉石首飾管理中心,長期以來一直致力於珠寶職業教育和國家珠寶玉石標準的推廣和普及工作。承擔著國家人事部和財政部全國註冊珠寶玉石質檢師(CGC)和註冊(珠寶)資產評估師(CPVG)執業資格的培訓,以及勞動和社會保障部鑽石檢驗員、寶玉石檢驗員、珠寶首飾營業員和貴金屬首飾手工製作工等職業資格的培訓工作。
National Gemstone Testing Centre (NGTC) is the only state-level and authority organization of gems & jewelry testing and inspecting, authorized by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ)) of P. R. China. NGTC has passed the accreditation of ISO/IEC 17025 etc., and has been designated the testing organization of state-level production of science and technology, testing lab of imports and exports, and the Appointed Lab of China Consumers’ Association.
NGTC has established laboratories in Beijing, Shenzhen,Shanghai etc., all of which have taken advantages of high-class technology, equipment and manage system, and NGTC took the lead in achieving all-sided network management on testing process.
NGTC has a quality principle as being SCIENTIFICAL, EQUITABLE, ACCURATE and EFFICIENT. With the continual efforts for over ten years, NGTC has provided the society with the best technical services and has won confidence both of traders and consumers as BEST QUALITY, BEST REPUTATION and BEST SERVICE.
NGTC has a professional management team. During the decade, it has established a whole set of strict rules and regulations and scientific work process in accordance with the international standards of lab management.
NGTC has sets of both standard gemmological instruments and most advanced undestroyed-analytical instruments in gemology and precious metals testing nowadays, such as FTIR Spectrometer, UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, EDXRF, LR-microspectrometer etc. NGTC has a staff of over one hundred including senior professors, gemmologists, geologists and other technicians. Most of the staff have graduated from various universities and have acquired diplomas or certificates of gemmology, diamond grading, colored stone grading and jewelry appraisal etc. All of them are playing important roles in the development of gems & jewelry industry in China.
Gems testing Identifying untreated or treated of natural gemstones such as Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Jadeite, Nephrite, natural or cultural pearl etc. Identifying synthetic gemstones such as syn. Diamond, syn. Ruby, syn. Rock crystal etc. Identifying artificial stones such as glass, plastic, Cubic Zirconia, YAG-artificial product etc.
Diamond grading Color, Clarity, Cut & Carat grading for naked diamond and mounted diamond.
Precious metal fineness testing Fineness testing for gold, platinum, silver, palladium etc.
The special testing for the other solid materials Analyzing composition and structure of unknown solid materials.
Undertaking the state mandatory supervision and inspection to the gem & Jewelry market, fulfilling the arbitration testing, supervision testing gems & jewelry for the government.
Undertaking gems & jewelry testing in import-export business.
Providing entrusted testing to the Jewelry companies, manufactures, retailers and wholesalers.
Providing the testing service to the individual consumers.
Providing consultation and popularizing service of gemmology and relevant knowledge.