NEBS (Network Equipment-Building System)是電信行業專業術語,表示網路設備構建系統。它是貝爾實驗室在70年代提出的一個概念,旨在幫助電話設備製造商了解服務供應商的需求和環境。它已經發展到一組規定電信環境中電信級設備可操作性的規範或測試。 NEBS 描述了典型本地貝爾運營公司(RBOC)中心局的環境。它包括空間和環境標準。它描述了典型電信設備的排列安放和設備所處的工作環境。
- 中文名:NEBS
- 外文名:Network Equipment-Building System
- 表示:網路設備構建系統
- 起源:70年代,
- 主要的貝爾核:是 GR-63-CORE
- 系統要求:物理保護。
NEBS 的歷史可以追溯到70年代,當時它由貝爾實驗室開發,被用於標準化被最終安裝到中心局的設備。其目的是讓設備商更容易地設計兼容於典型本地貝爾運營公司的設備。標準化導致開發費用的降低和更容易將新設備引進到網路中。

主要的貝爾核(Bellcore)是 GR-63-CORE, 網路設備建造系統(NEBS)要求:物理保護。
* 纜線分布系統
* 分布和互聯框架
* 溫濕度
* 空氣污染
* 聲學噪音
* 照明
NEBS認證標準分為三種級別,每個級別有自己的目標和用途,但第3級確保最大的設備可操作性,用於關鍵網路設備。 X335和x343提供符合NEBS 第3級標準的產品。What is "NEBS Level 3"? "NEBS Level 3" is a term from Bellcore special report, SR-3580. This report details 3 distinct functional levels of NEBS compliance based on GR-63-CORE and GR-1089-CORE. The levels allow a wide range of NEBS requirements to be applied to equipment based on application and network impact.
NEBS第1級是指設備通過了確保網路設備中安全部署的一系列最小測試。"NEBS Level 1" means that people and equipment hazards and network degradation are minimized. NEBS Level 1 addresses the personnel and equipment safety requirements of GR-63-CORE and GR-1089-CORE. This is useful for getting prototypes into a lab trial. It's also a requirement that is imposed on Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) in order for them to deploy equipment into an RBOC's network. This level doesn't address operability, this is addressed in Levels 2 and 3.
NEBS第2級提供網路設備中設備可操作性的有限保證。"NEBS Level 2" addresses equipment operability, but in a controlled environment. For example, equipment could be used in a data center, however, if the equipment performs non-critical operations it could be used under environmental extremes. Note that this level is very rarely used because it is ambiguous.
NEBS第3級(最苛刻的 “壓力”測試) 提供網路設備中設備可操作性的最大保證。
"NEBS Level 3" means the equipment is in the network for the long haul. We're talking about Carrier Class with this stringent level. The equipment will operate under the environmental extremes found in a central office. In a nutshell, the equipment meets all of the requirements of GR-63-CORE and GR-1089-CORE.
NEBS標準 – 一組基本的設備規範,設計用於:
** 確保設備與電話行業的電子環境的兼容性
** 簡化設備規劃和安裝
** 保護電信設備不會出現由於不兼容設備導致的業務宕機
** 防止干預許可的無線電發射機和其它極其類似的電信設備
** 最大限度地降低電信設備發生火災的風險
** 確保設備在電信環境中規定的溫度、濕度、振動、空氣污染範圍內運行
** 確保地震情況下設備和業務的可抗損毀性
** 保護員工免受傷害
Bellcore(Bell Co mmunications Re search, Inc)成立於1984年,由AT&T中的中心服務組織剝離而成立。1997年,Bellcore被SAIC(Science Applications International Corporation )公司收購更名為Telcordia. NEBS標準1997年前由Bellcore擁有,1997年之後由Telcordia保有。
Spatial 安裝空間
Low Temp Storage 低溫存儲
High Temp Storage 高溫存儲
High R/H Storage
Op Temp/Humidity(Hardened Criteria)
Altitude Test
Fire Spead
Needle Flame
Packaged Drop 跌落測試
Office Vib
Earthquake Simulation Test 地震模擬測試
Transportation Vib 運輸震動
Earthquake Simulation Test
Transportation Vib
Hygroscopic Dust
Mixed Flow Gas(Outdoor Level)
Acoustic Noise 噪音
Heat Dissipation
Temp Margin Test 溫度裕量
Fan Failure
Surface Temp
Trans Vib(GR-3108)
Cold Start at -40 Deg C(GR-3108) -40°C冷啟動
Temp/Humidity Cycle(GR-3108)
Power Interface Req(AC and DC)
Salt Fog UUT(180 hrs of exposure)
Low Level Vib Resistance
ESD靜電放電(Electrostatic discharge)
EFT 電快速瞬變脈衝群(Electrical fast transient burst)
Conducted Emissions 傳導干擾
Radiated Emissions 輻射干擾
R&D Radiated Emissions(Repeat w/ all units)
R&D Radiated Emissions(Repeat w/ all units)
Radiated Immunity
Conductive Immunity
Short-Circuit Test
First Level Lightning Surge 雷涌
1st Level Lighting Protection
2nd Level Lightning Protection
Indra Building Lightning
First Level AC Fault
Current Limiting Protection
Second Level Power Fault
Lightning Protection
Short Circuit
Lightning Criteria
Steady State Power Induction
DC Potential Difference
Electrical Safety
Bonding & Grounding
DC Power Test 直流電源測試
Then you can added ETSI Test
For ex.
Test Item
ETSI Package Bump Shock 包裝撞擊
ETSI Operational Shock
ETSI Change In Temperature
ETSI Water Test(6mm/min for 15 min,for ex.)
ETSI Damp Heat Cyclic 濕熱循環
ETSI EFT-AC Port 交流電源
ETSI Radiated Emissions EMI
ETSI Conducted Emissions-DC Ports
ETSI Conducted Emissions-Ac Ports
ETSI Harmonics
ETSI Flicker(AC)
ETSI RF Conducted Immunity
ETSI Surge Test(AC) 浪涌
ETSI Voltage Dips/Interruptions
ETSI Power Freq-Magnetic Field
NEBS 的標準主要有GR-63和GR-1089。前者主要關於可靠性的要求,後者關於電氣安全及電磁兼容方面的要求。NEBS一般來說是適用於成套設備。對於成套設備里的元器件,一般會採用其他相應的適用標準。
NEBS 的測試內容非常複雜,該標準的測試技術目前還是掌握在北美一些頂尖的通訊設備測試機構如MET,TELCORDIA等機構。目前在中國還沒有可以完成所有測試項目的實驗室。中國製造商目前只能有條件地完成部分測試項目。