《Music in Theory and Practice》是2008年出版的圖書,作者是Bruce Benward、Marilyn Saker。
- 外文名:Music in Theory and Practice
- 作者:Bruce Benward、Marilyn Saker
- 出版時間:2008年5月
- ISBN:9780077254957
- 定價:141.25 美元
《Music in Theory and Practice》是2008年出版的圖書,作者是Bruce Benward、Marilyn Saker。
Buddhist Meditation in Theory and Practice 《Buddhist Meditation in Theory and Practice》是Buddhist Missionary Society出版的圖書,作者是Paravahera Vajiranana Mahathera
口譯的理論與實踐(The Theory and Practice)台灣商務出版的圖書。內容介紹 * 叢書系列:語文學習 * 規格:142頁 / 25 / 普級 / 單色印刷 * 出版地:台灣
Franchising in Theory and Practice 《Franchising in Theory and Practice》是一本圖書,作者是Jarkina, Viktorija。
Econometric Theory and Practice 《Econometric Theory and Practice》是一本圖書,作者是Corbae, P. Dean; Durlauf, Steven N.; Hansen, Bruce E.
《Theory and Practice of Finite Elements》是Springer出版的圖書,作者是Alexandre Ern / Jean-Luc Guermond.內容簡介 This text presenting the mathematical theory of finite elements is organized into three main sections. The first part develops the theoretical basis for the finite element methods, ...
Econometric Theory and Practice 《Econometric Theory and Practice》是一本圖書,作者是Corbae, Dean; Durlauf, Steven N.; Hansen, Bruce E.
each new concept, taking the mystery out of learning music theory In the hands-on approach, you will have many changes to practice what you learn in each lesson as it is being taught with the drills and exercises that follow. Music Theory Step by Step: Level Two and Music Theory Step ...
《Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice》是2006年Springer-Verlag New York Inc出版的圖書,作者是Bramer, Max 。內容簡介 This volume presents proceedings from the 19th IFIP World Computer Congress in Santiago, Chile. The proceedings of the World Computer Congress are a product of the gathering...
《Psychoanalysis with Children: History, Theory and Practice》是一本圖書。內容簡介 This text is a major contribution to the theory and practice of psychoanalysis with children from a Lacanian perspective, and the first of its kind in the English language. It critically examines the theoretical ...
《THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS》是2008年1月首都經濟貿易大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是盧進勇、劉恩專。內容提要 為了推進有關跨國公司的教學與科研活動,也為了總結多年來從事跨國公司教學與科研的經驗,編者編寫了這本《跨國公司理論與實務》。本教材注重理論與實際相聯繫、國際與國內相結合,在論述...
E-learning Theory and Practice 《E-learning Theory and Practice》是一本圖書,作者是Haythornthwaite, Caroline、Andrews, Richard。
《Ancient Music Adapted to Modern Practice》是2011年出版的圖書,作者是Vicentino, Nicola; Vincentino, Nicola; Palisca, Claude V.。內容簡介 First published in Rome in 1555, Nicola Vicentino's treatise was one of the most influential music theory texts of the sixteenth century. This translation by ...
this problem. It brings together 15 years of experience in teacher education and research, based on Korthagen's concept of "realistic teacher education" which is well known in Europe and gaining interest in North America. Set up as a journey back and forth between practice and theory, this ...
《Theory and Practice of Foreign Aid》是2007年6月Elsevier Science Ltd出版的圖書,由Lahiri, Sajal編寫。內容簡介 The analysis of the transfer paradox has evolved primarily in the context of traditional static models. However, given developments in the policy arena as well in the discipline itself, ...
《Theory and practice of energetic materials. vol. Ⅸ》是2011年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是edited by Li Shengcai, Niu Peihuan。內容簡介 本書為2011年秋季國際會議論文集,收錄了來自12個國家的192篇論文,內容涉及含能材料的合成與製備、測試與表征、燃燒與爆炸、模型與計算等方面。近年來發表的有關推進...
underpinnings, inputs and deliverables, the necessary behaviors and skills, the role of creativity, product diversity, quality measures, personal styles, and the differences between experts and novices. Data Modeling Theory and Practice is essential reading for anyone involved in data modeling practice,...
《Theory and practice of energetic materials. Vol.VI》是2005年科學出版社出版的 圖書,作者是Wang Yajun、Huang Ping、Li Shengcai。圖書簡介 本書為2005年國際秋季推進劑、爆炸和煙火(IASPEP)會議文集,收錄了20個國家223篇論文,內容包括:合成與製造,分析,燃燒和爆炸,模型和計算,以及相關綜合的學科領域。
《Grounded Theory in Practice》是1997年Sage Pubns出版的圖書,作者是Strauss, Anselm L. (EDT)、Corbin, Juliet M. (EDT)。 內容簡介 Grounded theory methodology and procedure have become one of the most influential modes of carrying out qualitative research when generating theory is a principal aim...
完成了“變革社會中的中國傳統器樂”(中央音樂學院 2000),“中國音樂術語英譯”(中央音樂學院2005),“民族音樂學的理論與方法”(教育部2002),“Traditional Chinese Music in A Modern Changing Society”.(Nordic Institute for Asian Studies 1998),“Indian Music Theory and Practice”. (Asian ...
諸多論文發表於《音樂分析》(Music Analysis)、《音樂理論譜系》(Music Theory Spectrum)、《理論與實踐》(Theory and Practice)、《音樂理論雜誌》(Journal of Music Theory)等刊物。現為歐柏林音樂學院音樂理論榮休教授。大衛·加涅(David Gagne),美國音樂理論家,著名的申克學者。早年在紐約市立大學獲哲學...
11.On the Aesthetics of Film Music:Basic Issues of the AeStheticSOf Film Music and Its Significance both in:Theory and inPractice 12.Introduction to Tragic Chopin——Forward to An Explanation of theTragic Connotation in Chopin's Music 13.Reflection on Musicology Research IsstieS Bibliography Indp...
Science and Technical Writing 科學與科技寫作 Theatre 戲劇 Theatre 戲劇系 Theatre Teaching 戲劇教學系 Music/Theatre 音樂/戲劇系 學位 碩士 Anthropology 人類學 Master of Science in Anthropology人類學 Art 藝術 Master of Arts in Art 藝術學 Master of Arts in Social Practice Art 社會實踐藝術 Athletic ...
理論與評論 Theory and Review電影篇 Film 新時代中的電影強國新征程 New journey of film power innew era 電影創作觀察:敘事探索、多元主題與類型表達 Observationson film Creation: Narrative exploration, multiplthemes and genreexpression 實踐策略:守正創新與全方位推動電影業發展 Practicestrategy: keep ...
Early Modern England: Politics, Religion, and Society under the Tudors and Stuarts(英國近代史)【字幕】『New』The American Revolution (美國獨立戰爭) 『New』History of the World to 1500 CE(史前至15世紀的世界史)『New』The History and Practice of Human Rights(人權的歷史及實踐)『New』#宗教...
LB Theory and practice of education (教育理論與實務)LC Special aspects of education (特殊教育)LD Individual institutions - United States (美洲教育機構)LE Individual institutions - America (except United States) (美國教育機構)LF Individual institutions - Europe (歐洲教育機構)LG Individual ...
Beginning with music fundamentals, this text covers all the topics necessary for a thorough understanding of undergraduate music theory by focusing on music in context. The text links each of the tasks that comprise a tonal theory curriculum, explicitly connecting written theory (writing and analysis)...
Hu Zhiying does not follow the currently prevailing practice. He has produced works for a long time in an individualized way with an eye to certain problems he concerns himself with. He may have paid close attention in his works to some cultural and philosophical problems at a deeper level.—...
Critics and cynics complain that it's a fallacy Claiming rap music has a lack of musicality But in reality none of the critics can rap So they don't know the facts but they're always on the attack see Rhythm and poetry that's what a rap is It takes musicality, focus and practice ...