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  • 外文名:Multi
  • 英式音標:[ˈmʌlti]
  • 美式音標:[ˈmʌlti]
  • 詞性:名詞


英 [ˈmʌlti] 美 [ˈmʌlti]


n. 多種;多數
pref. 多


multi channel 多信道的
multi beam 多束
Multi-Touch:多點觸摸 ; 多觸點 ; 技術
multi-user:多用戶 ; 多用戶作業系統 ; 多人
multi-sport event:綜合運動會
multi-thread:多執行緒 ; 多執行緒 ; 多帶穿線
Multi-layer:材質球 ; 多層 ; 多層高光
multi-media:多媒體 ; 多媒體規格 ; 多媒體套用 ; 多電視機台
multi-agent:多智慧型體 ; 多代理 ; 多主體 ; 多Agent


  • His argument was that multi-party systems encourage tribalism. 他的論點是多黨制會鼓勵部落主義。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • The artist usually painted his angels with multi-coloured wings. 這位藝術家通常給他的天使畫上多彩的翅膀。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • They also called for the holding of multi-party general elections. 他們還呼籲舉行多黨大選。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system. 他是自由市場政策以及多黨制的堅定倡導者。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • The president agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections. 總統同意了修正憲法並且允許多黨選舉。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • We are talking about a multi-deity society. 我們討論的是一個多神崇拜的社會。youdao
  • We actually found there wasn't any multi-year ice at all. 事實上,我們發現這裡根本沒有任何凍結多年的冰層。youdao
  • Some people proposed building multi-storey underground grave yards. 有人提議修建多層地下墓地。youdao
  • The multi-storey pagoda came to Japan from China in the sixth century. 公元6世紀,多層寶塔從中國傳入日本。youdao
  • A multi-storey facility with no natural overhead light would require far more. 上方沒有自然光的多層建築需要更多的照明。youdao
  • My older brother and I lived with Mom in a dingy multi-family house in Detroit. 我和哥哥和媽媽住在底特律一所骯髒的多戶住宅里。youdao
  • Crime rates have always been high in multi-cultural industrialized societies such as the United States. 在美國等多元文化的工業化社會中,犯罪率一直居高不下。youdao
  • The concept is of multi-storey buildings in which food crops are grown in environmentally controlled conditions. 其概念是關於環境控制條件下種植糧食作物的多層建築。youdao
  • The converse of this concern is that the prospects of becoming a multi paycheck household could encourage marriages. 與此相反的擔憂是,成為一個多收入家庭的前景可能會鼓勵婚姻。youdao
  • For this to happen, he suggests the multi-cultural managers exhibit understanding of their own and others' cultural influences and limitations. 為了實現這一點,他建議多元文化管理者應該表現出對自身和其他文化影響和局限性的理解。youdao
  • Such multi-brand loyalty means that one company's most profitable customers will probably be its competitors' most profitable customers as well. 這種多品牌忠誠度意味著,一家公司最賺錢的客戶可能也是其競爭對手最賺錢的客戶。youdao
  • The rush to distribute the devices worries some professors, who say that students are less likely to participate in class if they are multi-tasking. 急於分發這些設備令的一些教授感到擔憂,他們表示,如果學生同時處理多項任務,他們上課的可能性就會降低。youdao
  • This article provides the design of multi-function intelligent horologe based on microcontroller, introducing the design of hardware and software in detail. 本文介紹了一種基於單片機的多功能智慧型鐘錶的設計,詳細介紹了硬體和軟體的設計。youdao
  • Massive projectiles striking much larger bodies create various kinds of craters, including multi-ring basins—the largest geologic features observed on planets and moons. 巨大的拋射物撞擊更大的天體,創造了各種各樣的隕石坑,包括多環盆地——這是在行星和衛星上觀察到的最大的地質特徵。youdao
  • In multi-cultural societies, people can study each other's cultures, to develop intercultural competencies, such as critical and reflective thinking, and intellectual flexibility. 在多元文化社會中,人們可以研究彼此的文化,培養跨文化能力,如批判性和反思性思維,以及智力靈活性。youdao
  • On paper, their country is a multi-party democracy. 從理論上講,他們的國家是一個多黨派民主國家。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • The transition from a dictatorship to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult. 從專政國家到多黨民主國家的轉型證明是很艱難的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • It has grown from a one-man business to a multi-million dollar business with close to $10 million in assets. 它已從一個單人經營的生意發展成資產近千萬、業務額達數百萬美元的公司。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • What is the most impressive is its many multi-level waterfalls and colorful lakes. 這裡最令人印象深刻的景色,是許多層次豐富的瀑布,還有五顏六色的湖泊。youdao
  • After this, when awake, the participants did better in picking the right translation of made-up words in a multi-choice test. 在這之後,當參與者清醒時,他們在多項選擇題中能更好地選擇虛構詞的正確翻譯。youdao
  • With advice from AI specialists, art designers and culture researchers, our multi-language experts endow Lancom with an enormous potential for innovation within the world of language learning. 在人工智慧專家、藝術設計師和文化研究者的建議下,我們的多語言專家賦予了 Lancom 以巨大的語言學習創新潛力。youdao
  • Four years ago they all moved into a three-storey Victorian house in Bristol—one of a growing number of multi-generational families in the UK living together under the same roof. 四年前,他們都搬進了布里斯托的一棟三層維多利亞式住宅——他們是英國越來越多的多代同堂的家庭的其中之一。youdao
  • A multi-year drought in south-east Brazil is becoming worse. 巴西東南部持續多年的乾旱正在惡化。youdao


