《Mr. Bug's Phonics》是一本圖書,作者是Oxford University Press
- 中文名:Mr. Bug's Phonics
- 作者:Oxford University Press
- 出版時間:1997年10月
- 定價:9.32 美元
- ISBN:9780194352741
《Mr. Bug's Phonics》是一本圖書,作者是Oxford University Press
Mr. Bug's Phonics 《Mr. Bug's Phonics》是一本圖書,作者是Oxford University Press 內容簡介 This work shows a fun and effective way to teach young children how to read in English.
Mr. Bug's Phonics 《Mr. Bug's Phonics》是一本圖書,作者是Apple; Eisele, Catherine Yang; Hsieh, Richmond 內容簡介 This is a fun and effective way to teach young children how to read in English.
Mr. Bug's Phonics 《Mr. Bug's Phonics》是一本圖書,作者是Eisele, Catherine Yang; Sun, Dina; Hsieh, Richmond 內容簡介 This work shows a fun and effective way to teach young children how to read in English.
Mr Bug's Phonics 《Mr Bug's Phonics》是一本圖書,作者是Eisele, Catherine Yang; Hsieh, Richmond; Sun, Dina 內容簡介 This work shows a fun and effective way to teach young children how to read in Englis h.
《Mr Bug's Phonics 2》是1998年Oxford Univ Pr出版的圖書,作者是Eisele, Catherine Yang、Sun, Diana、Hsieh, Richmond。內容簡介 This work shows a fun and effective way to teach young children how to read in English...
Mr Bug's Phonics 1 《Mr Bug's Phonics 1》是一本圖書,作者是Eisele, Catherine Yang; Hsieh, Richmond;內容簡介 This work shows a fun and effective way to teach young children how to read in English.
Catherine Eisele 楊玉瑩老師,戶口所在地:中國台灣,現居住地:上海,英語幼教界國際級作家。人物簡介 曾經以My ABC Storybook、Mr Bug’s Phonics二書兩度獲得紐約大獎肯定,其編寫的YoYo & NaNa更狂銷180萬套,創造台灣 迄今無人能...