- 中文名稱:清晨時光
- 外文名稱:Morning Hours
- 專輯語言:英語
- 專輯歌手:Rebekka Bakken
- 曲目數量:13
- 發行時間:2009年
- 音樂風格:爵士
- 唱片公司:EmArcy/Universal
- 發行地區:挪威,北美
冷冽而感性的挪威爵士女聲—Rebekka Bakken(蕾貝卡.碧肯)成長於挪威,1994年到了美國紐約,8年以後,又返回歐洲,來到奧地利維也納。因為Rebekka Bakken喜歡這裏的安靜與和平,就在維也納安了家。音樂的旋律和人聲美感的重視基於對作品的創作性和內涵的深刻性的重視有關,Rebekka Bakken嗓音無疑是優美的,但對流行樂的朋友們來說會覺得她太Jazz,而喜歡Jazz的樂迷來說會認為他經典.
如詩畫般歌詞刻劃深層內心情語,冷冽中帶有內蘊微風般沁人美感的深度感懷多元美聲情懷。很少人能像挪威女歌手Rebecca Bakken一樣,悠遊於流行、搖滾、藍調、爵士、民謠之間,以知性感性兼具的美麉音符,刻劃內心和世俗的境界。她是少數能唱3個8度音階的歌手,她原本學習小提琴,發現自己比較喜歡唱歌,於是又訓練自己學會鋼琴,曾在幾個民謠、唱詩班、搖滾樂團。1994年毅然飄洋過海來到紐約,毫無名氣的外來歌手備嚐艱辛,在等待機會的孤寂中,她投注心力在創作曲子和歌詞,唱出自己的心情。回到歐洲,她的才華展現一些曙光。Rebekka Bakken2003年首張專輯The Art Of How To Fall在歐陸一飛沖天,在德國創下金唱片的佳績。
這張新作秉承了Rebekka Bakken一貫的作風,音樂的旋律和人聲美感的重視基於對作品的創作性和內涵的深刻性的重視有關,Rebekka Bakken嗓音無疑是優美的,但對流行樂的朋友們來說會覺得她太Jazz,而喜歡Jazz的樂迷來說會認為他經典,難免會有差別。
Rebekka Bakken較為豐富的人生歷練和成熟的世界觀,為她的音樂創作提供了充盈的素材,我們可以從這張新作中發現,她的歌曲中帶有明顯的生活、心靈的成長使她的音樂具備了一定的深度和廣度。
冷冽而感性的挪威爵士女聲—Rebekka Bakken(蕾貝卡.碧肯)成長於挪威,1994年到了美國紐約,8年以後,又返回歐洲,來到奧地利維也納。因為Rebekka Bakken喜歡這裏的安靜與和平,就在維也納安了家。音樂的旋律和人聲美感的重視基於對作品的創作性和內涵的深刻性的重視有關,Rebekka Bakken嗓音無疑是優美的,但對流行樂的朋友們來說會覺得她太Jazz,而喜歡Jazz的樂迷來說會認為他經典.
如詩畫般歌詞刻劃深層內心情語,冷冽中帶有內蘊微風般沁人美感的深度感懷多元美聲情懷。很少人能像挪威女歌手Rebecca Bakken一樣,悠遊於流行、搖滾、藍調、爵士、民謠之間,以知性感性兼具的美麉音符,刻劃內心和世俗的境界。她是少數能唱3個8度音階的歌手,她原本學習小提琴,發現自己比較喜歡唱歌,於是又訓練自己學會鋼琴,曾在幾個民謠、唱詩班、搖滾樂團。1994年毅然飄洋過海來到紐約,毫無名氣的外來歌手備嚐艱辛,在等待機會的孤寂中,她投注心力在創作曲子和歌詞,唱出自己的心情。回到歐洲,她的才華展現一些曙光。Rebekka Bakken2003年首張專輯The Art Of How To Fall在歐陸一飛沖天,在德國創下金唱片的佳績。
這張新作秉承了Rebekka Bakken一貫的作風,音樂的旋律和人聲美感的重視基於對作品的創作性和內涵的深刻性的重視有關,Rebekka Bakken嗓音無疑是優美的,但對流行樂的朋友們來說會覺得她太Jazz,而喜歡Jazz的樂迷來說會認為他經典,難免會有差別。
Rebekka Bakken較為豐富的人生歷練和成熟的世界觀,為她的音樂創作提供了充盈的素材,我們可以從這張新作中發現,她的歌曲中帶有明顯的生活、心靈的成長使她的音樂具備了一定的深度和廣度。
Label:Universal Music Group
Format:CD, Stereo
Nordic folk-jazz chanteuse Rebekka Bakken was the most successful exponent of a new generation of Scandinavian jazz singers that also included Silje Nergaard, Sidsel Endresen, and Solveig Slettahjell. Born in Oslo in 1970, Bakken studied violin and piano as a child, and in 1995 relocated to New York City to pursue a professional music career.There she paired with Austrian-born guitarist Wolfgang Muthspiel, and together they toured the local nightclub circuit as a duo. In time Bakken also befriended German pianist Julia Hülsmann, with whom she recorded the 2003 album Scattering Poems, a collection of jazz performances inspired by the poes of e.e. cummings. Upon completing the project Bakken returned to Europe, settling in Vienna and signing a solo deal with the Universum label. Her debut LP, The Art of How to Fall, followed by year's end, and in 2005 she resurfaced with her commercial breakthrough, Is That You? I Keep My Cool followed a year later.
Format:CD, Stereo
Nordic folk-jazz chanteuse Rebekka Bakken was the most successful exponent of a new generation of Scandinavian jazz singers that also included Silje Nergaard, Sidsel Endresen, and Solveig Slettahjell. Born in Oslo in 1970, Bakken studied violin and piano as a child, and in 1995 relocated to New York City to pursue a professional music career.There she paired with Austrian-born guitarist Wolfgang Muthspiel, and together they toured the local nightclub circuit as a duo. In time Bakken also befriended German pianist Julia Hülsmann, with whom she recorded the 2003 album Scattering Poems, a collection of jazz performances inspired by the poes of e.e. cummings. Upon completing the project Bakken returned to Europe, settling in Vienna and signing a solo deal with the Universum label. Her debut LP, The Art of How to Fall, followed by year's end, and in 2005 she resurfaced with her commercial breakthrough, Is That You? I Keep My Cool followed a year later.

01. Not A Woman 3:13
02. Sometimes 3:28
03. Ghost In This House 4:32
04. Powder Room Collapse 5:04
05. No Easy Way 4:47
06. To Be Your Lover 3:42
07. If You Don't Ask For More 2:48
08. I Can Always Forget 3:06
09. Starlight Of Your Heart 3:02
10. Contents Of My Heart 3:02
11. October Nights 3:05
12. Like Cologne 3:53
13. In The Early Morning Hours 3:22
02. Sometimes 3:28
03. Ghost In This House 4:32
04. Powder Room Collapse 5:04
05. No Easy Way 4:47
06. To Be Your Lover 3:42
07. If You Don't Ask For More 2:48
08. I Can Always Forget 3:06
09. Starlight Of Your Heart 3:02
10. Contents Of My Heart 3:02
11. October Nights 3:05
12. Like Cologne 3:53
13. In The Early Morning Hours 3:22