



  • 外文名:middleman
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈmɪdlmæn]
  • 美式發音:[ˈmɪdlmæn]
  • 釋義:中間人;經紀人;調解人


middleman /ˈmɪdəlˌmæn/ TEM4 ( middlemen )
1.N-COUNT A middleman is a person or company which buys things from the people who produce them and sells them to the people who want to buy them. 中間商 [商業]
2.N-COUNT A middleman is a person who helps in negotiations between people who are unwilling to meet each other directly. 中間人


middleman landlord 二房東
Remove middleman 移除中間人 ; 刪除中間人
middleman landlor 二房東
securities middleman 證券經紀人
The Middleman 超級英雄 ; 中間人 ; 中間人美版 ; 旁邊人
middleman fee 介紹費 ; 經紀人費
Middleman Market 中間商市場
merchant middleman 商人中間商 ; 中間商
mortgage middleman[經管] 抵押經紀人


  • 1In the original omiai, the young Japanese couldn't reject the partner chosen by his parents and their middleman.在原始的相親中,年輕的日本人不能拒絕父母和中間人給他們選擇的伴侶。
  • 2Why don't they cut out the middleman and let us do it ourselves?他們為什麼不取消中間商,讓我們自己來做呢?《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Using algae would cut out the middleman.使用藻類就可以省掉中間人。
  • 4Income support cuts out the middleman.收入支持會免除中間人這一環節。
  • 5That woman should be a demon middleman king.那女子應當不是妖王中人。
  • 6But the middleman model was abandoned in the 1990s.但是經銷商的模式在九十年代遭遺棄了。
  • 7The second is the difficulties of being a middleman.第二,作為一個“中間商”實在不易。
  • 8There is no need to have the Web server act as the middleman here.這裡沒有必要將Web伺服器用作中間人。
  • 9In this situation we must find a middleman to deal with this matter.在這種情況下,我們必須找一個中間商來處理這件事。
  • 10According to one report, the middleman was the wife of the Brazilian ambassador.據一個報導說,中間人是巴西大使的妻子。
  • 11People don't need a middleman, a nonprofit, to create the impact they want to see.人們不再需要一個中間人、一個非營利組織,來幫助達到他們想要的效果。
  • 12But obviously, not every one likes the idea of outsourcing breakups to a middleman.但顯然,並非所有人都欣賞將分手外包給中間人這個主意。
  • 13The problem with being a helpful, efficient but largely anonymous middleman is pretty obvious.當一名有用且高效但基本匿名的中間人,問題是顯而易見的。
  • 14The Internet allows you to deliver your value directly to those who need it without any middleman.有了網路,不需要中間人就可以直接向需要的人提供你的服務。
  • 15Again, an agent, headhunter, spouse, or other middleman will likely be instrumental in your success.再一次,一個代理,獵頭,配偶,或者是中間人可能會對你的成功產生幫助。
  • 16If a middleman cheats one Igbo, all the others who buy machinery in Guangdong will soon know about it.如果某箇中介欺騙一個伊博人的話,其他所有在廣東買機器的人很快都會知道這件事。
  • 17But a report published March 2nd in the journal Molecular Ecology says mosquitoes didn't need a middleman.但是一份發表於3月2日的分子生物期刊上的報告則認為,蚊子傳播病毒給人類並不需要一個中介人。
  • 18A twosome collaborator, agent, or other middleman appears to be very instrumental in your success on these days.你的合作者,代理人或其他中間人似乎很在這幾天會對你起成功作用。
  • 19In the end, Dell was able to cut out the retail middleman and instead sell its products directly to the consumer.最後,戴爾取消了零售中間商,而自己直接向客戶銷售產品。
  • 20I know a retired fruit and vegetable buyer who used to serve as a middleman between farmers and airline food services.我知道一個退休的果蔬購買者曾經是個農民和機場食品的中間人。
  • 21But most importantly, by trading directly with the big producers they control, the big chains have cut out the middleman.但最重要的是,通過直接向被牢牢控制的大生產商購買產品,大型連鎖店甩開了中間商。
  • 22An online talent scout, Plentitube is trying to become a middleman of the new media, a matchmaker for the YouTube generation.作為線上人才星探,Plentitube力圖成為新媒體的經紀人,YouTube一代的媒人。
  • 23Coffee CSA is a new website that cuts out the middleman and lets you buy your coffee from farmers from all over the world.Coffee CSA是一個新網站,它其實扮演的就是中間人的角色。它讓你能從世界各地的種咖啡的農民手裡買到咖啡。
  • 24Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery.不要再把打來的魚賣給魚販,你要直接賣給客戶,並最終開辦自己的魚罐頭公司。
  • 25If your blog has a big audience you could also offer sponsored reviews directly, cutting off the commissions of the middleman.如果你的部落格有一個大的觀眾,你也可以提供贊助的評論,直接切斷中間人佣金。


