《Microsoft Visual C++ .NET Step by Step--Version 2003 (Step By Step (Microsoft))》是2003年4月23日Microsoft Press出版的圖書,作者是Julian Templeman、Andy Olsen。
- 中文名:Microsoft Visual C++ .NET Step by Step--Version 2003 (Step By Step (Microsoft))
- 作者:Julian Templeman、Andy Olsen
- 出版社:Microsoft Press
- 出版時間:2003年4月23日
- ISBN:9780735619074
Guide to the latest version of Visual C++. Practical, hands-on tutorial on the fundamentals: including writing managed code, and running and debugging .NET-based applications and XML Web services. Companion CD-ROM includes sample code, practice exercises, and eBook. Softcover. DLC: C++ (Computer program language).