Microphone(98 Degrees《Microphone》)

Microphone(98 Degrees《Microphone》)

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該曲收錄於美國男團98 Degrees(98度)2013年發行的專輯《2.0》中



歌手:98 Degrees
唱片公司:Entertainment One US


和新好男孩、超級男孩幾乎難分軒輊,而98度歷年專輯的全球銷售量也超過1500萬張。不過98度並不以身為偶像團體自滿,反而對於自己簽在黑人至尊廠牌Motown摩城唱片旗下為傲,因為他們是真正以媲美黑人的合音美聲取勝,第一個被簽入該廠牌的白人團體。其實在英國大受歡迎的Blue,就是比照98度出道的模式,同樣以美聲為賣點的4人團體。98度首張精選輯「沸騰精選」把他們歷年的好歌一網打盡,還情商瑪麗亞凱莉,跨廠牌收了合唱曲"Thank God I Found You",還有和他們的偶像史提夫汪達合唱的『花木蘭』片尾曲。其實在去年底就陸續傳出98度即將解散的訊息,由於他們曾對外宣布要休一段長假,再加上有傳言說尼克要單飛,搞得歌迷們相當擔心98度會解散,直到德魯出面澄清才讓歌迷們稍微安心。德魯表示,他們只是做一個短暫的休息,做一些他們想做的事,他們並沒有解散,並希望大家能像以往一般支持他們的新專輯。


98 Degrees - Microphone
When I’m done with you
You’ll be able to carry a tune
I’mma take you to school
And teach you how to use this microphone
Oh oh oh
Like oh oh oh
I’ll make you scream at the top of your lungs
Like oh oh oh whoa
Hey lady, grab the microphone
And say “do-re-mi-fa-so-oh-oh-oh”
Yeah baby, you’re wound up and ready to blow
Like do-re-mi-fa-so-oh-oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh oh
Oh oh oh-oh-oh
Hey lady, grab the microphone
And say “do-re-mi-fa-so-oh-oh-oh”
Put this in your hands (Put this in your hands!)
And hold it up to your lips
We can be a two-piece band
And make some hits while you sing in this microphone
Oh oh oh
Like oh oh oh
I’ll make you scream at the top of your lungs
Like oh oh oh whoa
Hey lady, grab the microphone
And say “do-re-mi-fa-so-oh-oh-oh”
Yeah baby, you’re wound up and ready to blow
Like do-re-mi-fa-so-oh-oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh oh
Oh oh oh-oh-oh
Hey lady, grab the microphone
And say “do-re-mi-fa-so-oh-oh-oh”
How would it taste?
Can you put your money where your mouth is?
You can make no mistakes
You got a promise to try and do the best you can
The best you can
You better do your best
The best you can
So come and sing in this microphone oh oh oh
Hey lady, grab the microphone (Like oh oh oh)
And say “do-re-mi-fa-so-oh-oh-oh” (I’ll make you scream at the top of your lungs)
Yeah baby, you’re wound up and ready to blow (Like oh oh oh)
Like do-re-mi-fa-so-oh-oh-oh (In this microphone oh oh oh)
Hey lady, grab the microphone (Like oh oh oh)
And say “do-re-mi-fa-so-oh-oh-oh” (I’ll make you scream at the top of your lungs)
Yeah baby, you’re wound up and ready to blow (Like oh oh oh)
Like do-re-mi-fa-so-oh-oh-oh (Oh oh)


