Max Havoc: Curse of the Dragon

Max Havoc: Curse of the Dragon

《Max Havoc: Curse of the Dragon》是由阿爾伯特·派恩、艾薩克·佛羅倫汀執導,Mickey Hardt、妮基·斯楚勒、Scott L. Schwartz、迭戈·瓦爾拉夫、理察·朗德特里等主演的一部動作電影。


  • 外文名:Max Havoc: Curse of the Dragon
  • 類型:動作
  • 製片地區:美國
  • 導演:阿爾伯特·派恩、艾薩克·佛羅倫汀
  • 編劇:伊琳娜·迪特
  • 主演:Mickey Hardt、妮基·斯楚勒、Scott L. Schwartz、迭戈·瓦爾拉夫、理察·朗德特里
  • 片長:90 分鐘
  • 上映時間:2004年11月5日
  • 對白語言:英語


Ex-kickboxing champion turned sports photographer Max Havoc again finds himself in Guam on a publicity photo shoot. Max's helpful ways land him in the lives of the vacationing sisters Jane and Christy Goody who have acquired a rare jade dragon.


During production, workdays for the cast and crew frequently lasted as long as 16 hours.
The characters played by 大衛·卡拉丁 and 理察·朗德特里 were not included in the original screenplay, having only been added late in production to bolster the film's star power. Carradine and Roundtree filmed their scenes during a 10-day period in Los Angeles for which director 阿爾伯特·派恩 was not involved.
Lighting technician Elvin Ralph Coon III was very critical of the film in a Los Angeles Times article from 2007, claiming that "The whole thing was just bad all the way around . . . This thing was really destined to wind up in the cutout bin of some truck stop on the way to Barstow."
The Guam government sued producer John F.S. Laing after the film was finished, claiming he wrongfully convinced government officials to contribute $800,000 to help guarantee a production loan which was defaulted on. Laing denied this and counter-sued, claiming the government broke a promise of financial support and cost his company $1.5 million.


