Matteo Salonia,1986年生,利物浦大學歷史學博士,現任寧波諾丁漢大學國際事務與國際關係學系的歐洲與國際史助理教授及系教學主任。英國皇家歷史學會會員。他的主要研究興趣是中世紀和現代早期歐洲的經濟、政治和思想史,以及伊比利亞世界的全球歷史。
《熱那亞的自由》(Genoa's Freedom) 一書的作者。Christian Müller與Matteo Salonia合編的書《亞洲旅行寫作:好奇、身份與知識,公元1200年至今》於2022年初出版。
義大利帕爾馬大學(Università di Parma, Italy) 文明史學士(Laurea in Storia delle Civiltà)
利物浦大學(University of Liverpool) 歷史學博士
2016年任教於曼徹斯特城市大學(Manchester Metropolitan University)
2022年5月13日下午,寧波大學外國語學院與寧波諾丁漢大學舉行聯合學術沙龍講座《東西文明互鑒:公元1200年後亞洲遊記的西方書寫》,由辛紅娟教授主持。講座邀請到了兩位寧波諾丁漢大學的外教Christian Müller以及 Matteo Salonia。Matteo Salonia對他們的研究方法做了闡釋:基於一個廣泛的時間框架下,重視個體研究,將全球聯繫套用在地方研究中。
2022年是麥哲倫-埃爾卡諾航行的500周年紀念。11月26日,Matteo Salonia做客寧波圖書館天一講堂·雲講堂,線上主講《麥哲倫航海和全球化的起源》。他介紹了航行的歷史背景,並且概述航行的過程,最後總結了麥哲倫這一壯舉的成就與重要性。
在他的《熱那亞的自由》(Genoa’s Freedom) 一書中,Matteo Salonia探討了中世紀的企業家精神和憲政等主題,他重建了16世紀西班牙-熱那亞聯盟 (Spanish-Genoese alliance) 的起源,以及它在美洲的後果。
Matteo Salonia的其他研究興趣包括中世紀基督教史、天主教哲學和近代早期西班牙的自我批評。
Salonia, M. (2017).Genoa's Freedom: Entrepreneurship, Republicanism, and the Spanish Atlantic. Lexington Books.
Li, T & Salonia, M.(2020). The Regulation of Religious Communities in the Late Middle Ages: A Comparative Approach to Ming China and Pre-Reformation England. Religions, 11(11).
Salonia, M. (2019). The first voyage of Giovanni da Empoli to India: Mercantile culture, Christian faith, and the early production of knowledge about Portuguese Asia.International Journal of Maritime History,31(1), 3-18.
Salonia, M. (2018). The Body in Medieval Spirituality: A Rationale for Pilgrimage and the Veneration of Relics.Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion,14.
Salonia, M. (2018). Charles V's universal empire in the Compendio of Antonio Doria.Renaissance Studies,32(3), 388-405.
Salonia, M. (2016).18 Brumaire and its Place in the French Revolution: a Critical Historiography.World History Studies, Vol. 3, 38-60.
Salonia, M. (2018). Book Review: Penelope Francks, Japan and the great divergence. A short guide.The Economic History Review,71(1), 352-354.
Salonia, M. (2017). Book Review: Speaking Truth to Power from Medieval to Modern Italy.Libertarian Papers,9.
Salonia, M. (2017). Book Review: The Myth of Republicanism in Renaissance Italy.Fabrizio Ricciardelli.RenaissanceQuarterly, 70(2),714-716.
Salonia, M.(2020). The 1497 Cornish Tax Rebellion. Mises Institute.
Salonia, M.(2020). Private Defense in the History of Genoa. Mises Institute.
Salonia, M.(2017). The World Needs an Austrian-School Approach to Economic History. Mises Institute.
Salonia, M. (2015).Genoese Economic Culture: From the Mediterranean into the Spanish Atlantic(Doctoral dissertation, University of Liverpool).
“Cinquecento Italy and the Ottoman Threat: Military Counsel and Hispanophile Sentiment.”8th Renaissance Studies Conference, University of Sheffield, July 2018.
“Self-perception and the Production of Knowledge at the Peripheries of Empire: the case of Giovanni da Empoli (1483-1517).” Symposium on Early Modern Mercantile Culture, King’s College London, June 2018.
Invited to speak: “Local Causes and Global Consequences: the 1528 Hispanic-Genoese Alliance, from the Mediterranean to the Pacific.” The University of Hong Kong, April 2018.
Invited to speak: “Genoa: a Mediterranean City in Global History.” Shanghai Normal University, November 2016.
“Libertàand Sovereignty in early Cinquecento Genoa.” Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Humboldt University, Berlin, March 2015.
“Modestissima autorità: Late Medieval and Renaissance Republicanism in Genoa.” Canadian Society for Italian Studies Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, May 2014.