- 中文名:瑪格麗塔·萊維瓦
- 外文名:Margarita Levieva
- 別名:瑪格麗塔·列維耶娃
- 國籍:俄羅斯
- 民族:猶太人
- 身高:168cm
- 出生地:俄羅斯聖彼得堡
- 出生日期:1980年2月9日
- 職業:演員
- 畢業院校:紐約大學
- 代表作品:隱形人,情聖終結者,復仇
瑪格麗塔·萊維瓦1980年出生於前蘇聯列寧格勒(聖彼得堡),3歲時開始學習藝術體操(Rhythmic Gymnastics),蘇聯解體後隨母親還有兄弟移民到美國紐約的布魯克林區羊頭港,此前她多次獲得蘇聯比賽冠軍。瑪格麗塔在美國紐約大學經濟系就讀,畢業後曾任職時尚買手,出於對表演的熱愛,隨後又進入大名鼎鼎的William Esper Studio學習。2004年,瑪格麗塔開始接拍電影,一年後被《紐約雜誌》評選為該市最美50名居民之一,雜誌稱讚她是典型的歐式古典少女。2010年,美國電影專業網站Independent Critics評選她為全球最美100人之一(86位)。
2014 Skoryi Moskva - Rossiya ------Mila
2014 The Loft ------Vicky Fry
2012 For Ellen 為了艾倫 ------------Claire Taylor
2013 Knights of Badassdom 烏龍騎士團----------Beth
2011 The Stand Up ------------Veronica
2011 The Lincoln Lawyer 林肯律師---------------Reggie Campo
2009 Adventureland 冒險樂園----------------Lisa P.
2009 Spread情聖終結者 -----------------Heather
2007 Noise -------Ekaterina Filippovna
2007 Salted Nuts ------------Alyssa
2007 The Invisible 隱形人---------------Annie Newton
2007 David's Apartment ----------------Sorority Girl Deedee
2006 What's Not to Love? -----Blake
2006 The Prince -----------Isabelle
2005 N.Y.-70 ----------Cindy
2004 Billy's Choice (Short) --------------------Julie Romano
2015 Allegiance---------Natalie O'Connor
2013 The Blacklist 黑名單(Season 1, Episode 6) ---------Gina Zanetakos
2011-2013 Revenge 復仇 (第一第二季) --------Amanda Clarke
2010-2011 How to Make It in America 成功在美國 (第一季6,7,8;第二季1,2,3) -----------Julie
2009 Kings 列王傳(Season 1, Episode 4) ----------Claudia
2006 Vanished(Season 1, Episode 1,13) ------------Marcy Collins
2005 Law & Order: Trial by Jury 法律與秩序:陪審團 (Season 1, Episode 8) --------Stephanie Davis
I'm not an insecure person, per se, but I just never saw myself as the girl who walks into a place and everybody goes, 'Wow.'
I don't usually have those 'twin experiences' that people talk about.
I had to dance in a Tweety Bird costume once.
I was always the serious kid.
I grew up in communist Russia where we didn't have anything, so I'm not worried that I can't buy an extra pair of shoes.
I'm Russian Jewish. And I had to grow up really quickly.
One of my first commercials was for a Samsung cellphone. It was made as a mini-movie.
Independent Critics
Margarita Levieva
The 30 year-old Russian-born actress is a breath of fresh air in the industry and on this list. She used to be a professional gymnast before going on to star in films like “Adventureland”.
Yearly Rankings: 86
The New York Magazine
A classic ingenue, but not in an American way; she’s more European.
獲獎時間 | 獎項名稱 | 獲獎作品 | 備註 |
2009 | 最佳群戲表演 | 冒險樂園 | 提名 |