
a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta是一款來自歐洲Emsi Software公司的一款免費安全軟體,可以檢測隱藏於計算機中的惡意程式的軟體。它的界面簡潔清爽,操作容易,而且還可以隨時通過線上更新最新的惡意軟體資料,不怕被新出的惡意軟體感染。


  • 外文名:MalAware
  • 來自:歐洲Emsi Software公司
  • 定義:一款免費安全軟體
  • 特點:界面簡潔清爽,操作容易
a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta特點,a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta官方描述,a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta點評:,

a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta特點

Detects active Malware
Scans in less than 1 minute
Cloud and signature based
Only 1 mb download
不到1 MB的程式下載

a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta官方描述

Here is the official description :
The basic idea behind MalAware was to create build the smallest possible (1 mb) and the fastest possible malware scanner (scan <1 min) that will only provide an indication of whether a PC is infected with malware or not.
MalAware的宗旨是創立儘可能小的(1 MB)和最快的惡意軟體掃描(掃描“1分鐘),將只提供了電腦是否存有惡意軟體或有沒有被感染的跡象。
However, it should still get the full Emsi Software technology with more than 3 million known nasties. Not an easy task - but our developers have found ways and means to meet these seemingly impossible combinable requirements. By combining a strongly limited version of the signature database of known malware paths with a cloud based scan of all active processes, MalAware achieves a similar accuracy as a-squared Anti-Malware.
儘管如此,它仍得到超過300萬種Nasties線上軟體技術支持,這不是一件容易的事 - 但我們的開發人員找到了方法和途徑來滿足這些看似不可能的組合要求。通過結合一個與基於掃描所有活動進程雲已知的惡意軟體簽名資料庫路徑限制的版本,MalAware達到作為a-squared Anti-Malware類似的準確性。
If it detects that your PC is infected, the second step is to download the big a-squared Anti-Malware package, to remove the malware and protect the PC against new infections.
如果它檢測到你的電腦被感染,第二步是下載a-squared Anti-Malware程式包,刪除惡意軟體,保護電腦免受新的感染。
License: Freeware Free
OS: Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP, 2008
作業系統:Windows 7、Vista、2003、XP、2008

a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta點評:

a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta這個軟體小巧且掃描速度飛快!但也就是檢測而已。如果你想清除檢測出來的威脅的話,你只能選擇使用30天的試用版的a-squared Anti-Malware或者購買該產品。
a-squared Malware1.0.0.1 beta這樣的話就成了雞肋,食之無味棄之可惜了!


