《Making a Good Script Great》是Silman-James Press (US)出版的圖書,作者是Linda Seger
- 作者:Linda Seger
- 出版時間:2010年9月15日
- 出版社:Silman-James Press (US)
- 頁數:252 頁
- ISBN:9781935247012
- 裝幀:Paperback
- 定 價:GBP 12.99元
Making a good script great is more than just a matter of putting a good idea on paper. It requires the working and reworking of that idea. This book takes you through the whole screenwriting process-from initial concept through final rewrite-providing specific methods that will help you craft tighter, stronger, and more saleable scripts. While retaining the invaluable insights ...(展開全部) Making a good script great is more than just a matter of putting a good idea on paper. It requires the working and reworking of that idea. This book takes you through the whole screenwriting process-from initial concept through final rewrite-providing specific methods that will help you craft tighter, stronger, and more saleable scripts. While retaining the invaluable insights that placed its first two editions among the all-time most popular screenwriting books, this expanded, revised, and updated third edition adds rich and important new material on dialogue, cinematic images, and point of view, as well as an interview with screenwriter Paul Haggis. If you are writing your first script, this book will help develop your skills for telling a compelling and dramatic story. If you are a veteran screenwriter, it will help you articulate the skills you know intuitively. And if you are currently stuck on a rewrite, this book will help you analyse and solve your script's problems and get it back on track. 琳達·西格(Linda Seger),好萊塢資深編劇顧問,從1981年起為2000多部劇本和100多部電影擔任了策劃諮詢工作,並在三十多個國家教授劇本寫作。與她合作過的影人和電影公司為數眾多,如導演彼得·傑克遜、朗·霍華德,ABC、CBS、NBC電視台,以及迪士尼公司等。她同時還是美國電影學會、美國導演協會、美國編劇協會、美國電視藝術與科學學院、美國電影藝術與科學學院會員。因劇本諮詢方面的成就,她獲得了Redemptive Film Festival終身成就獎及Moondance等其他電影節多項大獎。更多信息請參見www.lindaseger.com。 曹怡平,先後就讀於西南政法大學、中國藝術研究院,獲經濟法學士學位、民商法碩士學位和影視美學博士學位。現居重慶,任教於西南大學文學院戲劇影視文學系。已出版譯著《電影製片人融資指南》,專著《從剪刀手到守夜》...(展開全部) 琳達·西格(Linda Seger),好萊塢資深編劇顧問,從1981年起為2000多部劇本和100多部電影擔任了策劃諮詢工作,並在三十多個國家教授劇本寫作。與她合作過的影人和電影公司為數眾多,如導演彼得·傑克遜、朗·霍華德,ABC、CBS、NBC電視台,以及迪士尼公司等。她同時還是美國電影學會、美國導演協會、美國編劇協會、美國電視藝術與科學學院、美