Madagascar 6e馬達加斯加

Madagascar 6e馬達加斯加

Madagascar 6e馬達加斯加是2008年Lonely Planet出版的一本圖書,作者是et al.、Becca Blond


  • 作者:et al. / Becca Blond
  • 出版社:Lonely Planet
  • 出版時間:2008年3月
  • 頁數:304 頁
  • 定價:230 元
  • 裝幀:Paperback
  • ISBN:9781741046083
  • 副標題:Madagascar and Comoros
Discover Madagascar & Comoros
Hike through forested canyons in the Parc National de I'Isalo, where ring-tailed lemurs scamper in the trees
Catch a whiff of cloves, ylang-ylang and vanilla driving north of Soanierana-Ivango
Drift down the Tsiribihina Riverin a wooden pirogue, passing cliffs carpeted with sleeping bats
Gaze into the vast jaws of an insect-eating plant in Parc National d'Andohahela
In This Guide:
Make the most of your trip-of-a-lifetime with the best itineraries, tips and listings from our discerning authors
The only guidebook to cover Madagascar and the Comoros
Special colour section on the diverse animals, birds and plants of this unique destination
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