Mac OS X Tiger Killer Tips

Mac OS X Tiger Killer Tips

《Mac OS X Tiger Killer Tips》是New Riders Press出版的圖書,作者是Scott Kelby


  • 作者:Scott Kelby
  • 出版時間:2005年8月8日
  • 出版社:New Riders Press
  • 頁數:400 頁
  • ISBN:9780321290540
  • 裝幀:Paperback
  • 定 價:USD 29.99元
Tips rule! Have you ever noticed that in just about every Mac book, the author will include a couple of tips in each chapter (you'll usually find them in the sidebar, or at the bottom of the page in a tinted box). Sometimes it's a shortcut, a faster way to do something, or a clever workaround that just makes your life easier. People really love those tips, but there's on...(展開全部) Tips rule! Have you ever noticed that in just about every Mac book, the author will include a couple of tips in each chapter (you'll usually find them in the sidebar, or at the bottom of the page in a tinted box). Sometimes it's a shortcut, a faster way to do something, or a clever workaround that just makes your life easier. People really love those tips, but there's only one problem--there's never enough of them. That's why Scott Kelby, bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of Mac Design magazine came up with the idea to create a book that's nothing but "sidebar" tips. That's right--this entire book, cover-to-cover is packed with nothing but those cool inside secrets, slick workarounds, undocumented shortcuts, and sneaky little tricks that will make you faster, better, and have more fun using Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger). Nothing but the tips! You're not going to find complicated descriptions on how to configure a network, how to partition a hard drive, or lines and lines of scary-looking UNIX code--instead this book is nothing but cool tips--and it's all written in Scott's casual, plain English style so you can start using these tips today. Plus, this book does the standard "sidebar tip" one better by including a clear screen capture with nearly every tip, so you can see exactly how it's all done. Not just tips. Killer tips! To be in this book, every tip has got to be a "Killer Tip" (the kind of tip that makes you nod and smile, then call all your Mac buddies to tune them up with your n)

