

  • 頁數:348頁
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:2007年6月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


ISBN: 9787506283335
條形碼: 9787506283335
尺寸: 22.6 x 18.6 x 2 cm
重量: 780 g




Take your database skills to the next level with this hands-on, step-by-step guide. Learn more-advanced skills to design, test, deploy, and maintain SQL Server databases--one step at a time. Ideal for developers who understand database essentials, this learn-by-doing tutorial offers practical guidance, code samples, and a collection of techniques to help you solve real-world business problems.
Discover how to:
Manage data access with server Iogins and user and server roles
Implement a disaster recovery strategy
Use aggregate functions to compute totals and complex statistical values
Optimize query performance by managing I0 statistics and designing indexes
Work with remote data sources--including third-party databases
Provide remote access through the Internet or a middle-tier service interface
Manage transactions, implement error handlers, and define isolation levels
Go further and work with SQL Server Reporting Services and Notification Services


Part I HOW to Create a SQL Server Database to Store Your Application Data
1 Choosing Which Application Data to Store in Your Database
Where to Store Application Settings
Where to Store User Settings
Where to Store XML Documents
Using the XML Datatype
Using the File System with XML Data
Where to Store External Application Files.
Chapter 1 Quick Reference
2 Basic Database Security Principles
Designing Network Security to Secure Your Database System
Granting Remote Access
Securing External Access
Managing Access to SQL Server Instances
Selecting an Authentication Mode
Connecting to a SQL Server Instance
Managing Access to SQL Server Databases
Granting Access to Databases
Granting Database Permissions
Managing Application Roles.
Managing Access to Schemas
Introducing Schemas
Managing Access to Tables and Columns
Modifying Access to a Table.
Providing Access to Columns Individually
Managing Access to Programmable Objects
Managing Security for Stored Procedures
Managing Security for User-Defined Functions
Managing Security for Assemblies
Managing Ownership Chains
Managing the Execution Context
Chapter 2 Quick Reference
3 Disaster Recovery Techniques to Protect Your Database
Using Full Database Backups.
The Simple Recovery Model
Backup Devices
Performing Full Database Backups
Using Differential Backups
Performing Differential Backups
Using Transaction Log Backups
The Full Recovery Model
Performing Transaction Log Backups
Recovering a Database
Retrieving Backup Information
Restoring a Database Using SQL Server Management Studio
Restoring a Database from a Simple Backup Strategy Using T-SQL
Restoring a Database from a Full Backup Strategy Using T-SQL
Restoring System Databases
Scheduling Backups Using the SQL Maintenance Plan Wizard
Chapter 3 Quick Reference
4 Transferring Your Database to Other Systems
Using Backup and Restore to Transfer Your Data
Full Backup Only
Full Backup With Differential and Transaction Log Backups
Using Detach and Attach to Transfer your Data
Using Replicaton to Transfer your Data
Using SSIS to Transfer Your Data
Automationg and Scheduling the transfer of Your Data
Chapter 4 Quick Reference
Part II How to Query Data from SQL Server
Part III How to Modify Data in SQL Server


