Live In A Tree

Live In A Tree,一首由Priscilla Ahn演唱的英文歌曲,發行於2009年,收錄在專輯《 In A Tree EP》中。


  • 外文名稱:Live In A Tree
  • 所屬專輯:《 In A Tree EP》
  • 發行時間:2009
  • 歌曲原唱Priscilla Ahn
Living in a tree生活在一棵樹上
Yeah that's where I'd like to be是的,我喜歡那裡
When the world falls down當世界落下
No one can say nothing沒有人能說什麼
Which I guess means they'll say something我猜出他們將說的東西
But I won't be around但我不能左右
I'll be in my tree我會在我的樹上
Living free自由的生活
As any child would wanna be就像孩子們嚮往的
Chaos in the streets混亂的街道上
Only hearts bear lonely beats只有內心承受孤獨的節拍
In a world carved with steel and stone在鋼筋、石頭砌成的世界中
Miscommunication leads to fear and hesitation誤解導致的恐懼和猶豫
And it won't leave me alone不會讓我離開孤獨
But now in my tree但現在,我在這棵樹上
I'm living free自由自在的生活
As any child would wanna be就像孩子們嚮往的
Maybe you and me can make a home for us and someday threefrom the strongest wood of the tallest tree and we'll be
Living in a tree生活在樹上
Living free自在的生活
As any child would wanna be就像孩子們嚮往的
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la


