Life Work

Life Work

《Life Work》是Random House US2003年4月出版的圖書,作者是Donald Hall 。


  • 中文名:Life Work
  • 作者:Donald Hall
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780807071335


Distinguished poet Donald Hall reflects on the meaning ofwork, solitude, and love
“The best new book I have read this year, of extraordinarynobility and wisdom. It will remain with me always.” —Louis Begley,The New York Times
“A sustained meditation on work as the key to personal happiness.. . . Life Work reads most of all like a first-person psychologicalnovel with a poet named Donald Hall as its protagonist. . . .Hall’s particular talents ultimately [are] for the memoir, a genrein which he has few living equals. In his hands the memoir is onlypartially an autobiographical genre. He pours both his fullcritical intelligence and poetic sensibility into the form.” —DanaGioia, Los Angeles Times
“Hall . . . here offers a meditative look at his life as a writerin a spare and beautifully crafted memoir. Devoted to his art, Hallcan barely wait for the sun to rise each morning so that he canbegin the task of shaping words.” —Publishers Weekly (starredreview)
“I [am] delighted and moved by Donald Hall’s Life Work, hisautobiographical tribute to sheer work—as distinguished fromlabor—as the most satisfying and ennobling of activities, whetherone is writing, canning vegetables or playing a dung fork on a NewHampshire farm.” —Paul Fussell, The Boston Globe
Donald Hall is the author of numerous prizewinning volumes ofpoetry, including The One Day, winner of the National Book CriticsCircle Award, essays, children’s books, and criticism. His newcollection of short stories, The Willow Temple, will be publishedby Houghton Mifflin this spring.


The best new book I have read this year, of extraordinarynobility and wisdom. It will remain with me always.—Louis Begley,The New York Times
"A sustained meditation on work as the key to personal happiness.. . . Life Work reads most of all like a first-person psychologicalnovel with a poet named Donald Hall as its protagonist. . . .Hall's particular talents ultimately [are] for the memoir, a genrein which he has few living equals. In his hands the memoir is onlypartially an autobiographical genre. He pours both his fullcritical intelligence and poetic sensibility into the form."—DanaGioia, Los Angeles Times
"Hall . . . here offers a meditative look at his life as a writerin a spare and beautifully crafted memoir. Devoted to his art, Hallcan barely wait for the sun to rise each morning so that he canbegin the task of shaping words."—Publishers Weekly (starredreview)
"I [am] delighted and moved by Donald Hall's Life Work, hisautobiographical tribute to sheer work--as distinguished fromlabor--as the most satisfying and ennobling of activities, whetherone is writing, canning vegetables or playing a dung fork on a NewHampshire farm."—Paul Fussell, The Boston Globe
"Donald Hall’s Life Work has been strangely gripping, what withhis daily to do lists, his ruminations on the sublimating power ofwork. Hall has written so much about that house in New Hampshirewhere he lives that I’m beginning to think of it less as a placethan a state of mind. I find it odd that a creative mind can workwith such Spartan organization (he describes waiting for the alarmto go off at 4:45 AM, so eager is he to get to his desk) at such amysterious activity (making a poem work) without getting in the wayof itself."—John Freeman’s blog (National Book Critics Circle BoardPresident)


