Let’s not(마주치지말자)別再見面了·..
這是一首由圭賢、厲旭、藝聲一起演唱的經典抒情歌曲,可充分感受到描寫別離之痛的歌詞、氣宇非凡的現場演奏及SuperJunior-KRY充滿情感的嗓音。 這首歌曲由FlytotheSky的FANY和他的作曲夥伴Junyoung Jo共同創作,為SuperJunior獻上自己喜愛的曲子,讓人感覺到歌壇前後輩之間溫馨的情誼。被收錄到SuperJunior演唱的《Sorry, Sorry》專輯中。
Let’s not(마주치지말자)別再見面了·..
這是一首由圭賢、厲旭、藝聲一起演唱的經典抒情歌曲,可充分感受到描寫別離之痛的歌詞、氣宇非凡的現場演奏及SuperJunior-KRY充滿情感的嗓音。 這首歌曲由FlytotheSky的FANY和他的作曲夥伴Junyoung Jo共同創作,為SuperJunior獻上自己喜愛的曲子,讓人感覺到歌壇前後輩之間溫馨的情誼。被收錄到SuperJunior演唱的《Sorry, Sorry》專輯中。
《Let's Not Forget》是Curtis Mayfield演唱的歌曲,收錄於《New World Order》專輯中。 歌曲歌詞 Let's not forget though trying times there are We have not lost the war by far Still work to be done And as the old ...
2015年8月5日BIGBANG發表新專輯《E》。公開收錄與本專輯中的《我們不要相愛了》與GD&T.O.P時隔5年再合作的曲子《ZUTTER》後,豋上各音源排行榜榜首。歌曲歌詞 우리 사랑하지 말아요 我們不要相愛 아직은 ...
《It's Not Me, It's You》是Skillet演唱的歌曲,於2009年8月21日發行。歌曲歌詞 Let's get the story straight You were a poison You flooded through my veins You left me broken You tried to make me think That the ...
《It's Not Me It's You》是Skillet演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Awake》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Let's get the story straight You were a poison You flooded through my veins You left me broken You tried to make me think That the ...
Let'sgo!我們走 Yourtimeisrunningout 你的時間在一點一點的減少 I'mtalkinghereandnow 我在這裡,現在 I'mtalkinghereandnow 我在這裡,現在 It'snotaboutwhatyou'vedone 它不是關於你做了什麼 It'saboutwhatyoudoing 這是關於你...
Quit me, cancel, let's just stop Eat *** my shit, like it ain't my spa Abracadabra, poof yes I'm gone Back pedal to the medal, you was all so wrong True love, true love, can't beef with you Take you ...
Let's rab (let's rab)I wanna rab with you 'cause i know you want me too Let's rab, oh hell now let's rab Let's rab (let's rab )Not like you don't know how Let's rab (let's rab) let's rab (...
Who won't let some march To the beat of a different drum To face it it's so hard You must be on your guard It's not okay And you're not free to be a different way Why were we put here What for We'...
《Let's Be Mates》是Lady Sovereign演唱的一首歌曲。歌曲歌詞 Lady Sovereign - Let's Be Mates I'm weird and you're weird Let's be mates.I consider us a pair so yeah,Let's be mates.You like monkeys, I like ...
Let's be one 我們是一體的 Oh, let's not be alone oh,請別讓我們感到孤單 Empty thoughts fill the room 虛渺的想法塞了滿屋 Breathe for me and I'll breathe for you 穹頂之下,同呼吸共體味 Let's be selfish, ...
《ROCKnROLLbaby》是PSY (朴載相)演唱的歌曲。樂曲內容 ROCKnROLLbaby - PSY/will.i.am If time can't wait then I can't wait Let's not hesitate Let's celebrate If time can't wait then I can't wait Let's not...
《LET'S NOT FALL IN LOVE》《LET'S NOT FALL IN LOVE》MV中,BIGBANG成員們分別與夏沇秀、徐睿知和金允慧等搭檔,扮演甜蜜的情侶,展開逼真演技。之前通過NAVER播出的《BIGBANG Countdown Live with V》中,T.O.P對新曲《LET'S...
So let's not forget why It's understood that Time, look where we are and what we've been through Time, sharing our dreams Time, goes on and on everyday, baby Time is what it is Come what mayc(come what may...
Let me go and look for it.這個句型語氣委婉,比直接的祈使句客氣。試比較以下a和b句:a. Don't disturb him.b. Let's not disturb him.(a)是直接命令,語氣強烈,不如(b)溫柔悅耳。(2)表示“間接命令”或“願望”。這...
2015年8月5日凌晨,韓國男團BigBang公開“MADE SERIES”系列第4張專輯《E》,《E》收錄了《Let's not fall in love》和小分隊GD&TOP新曲《ZUTTER》。歌曲一經公開就問鼎各大音樂排行榜,BigBang熱潮再次席捲樂壇。新歌發布 201...
2.Let's not get hysterical.咱們別太激動。3.He thought I was being a hysterical man.他覺得我當時像個歇斯底里的人。4.She seemed to find my situation absolutely hysterical.她好像覺得我的處境極端可笑。5.Police and ...
《LOSER》成為2015觀看數最多的K-POP MV,數字專輯《D》在中國銷量破百萬,種種的好訊息為BIGBANG在8月5日迎來第四張數字專輯《E》,而《E》也是實體專輯《MADE》發行前最後一張數字專輯,收錄了《LET'S NOT FALL IN LOVE》和《...
實際上是對句子後面狀語進行否定。如:Let’s not talk about it here.我們別在這裡談吧。Don’t read in the sun.不要在陽光下看書。Don’t talk with your mouth full of food.不要口裡含著食物說話。
Let's not make it complicated 別讓一切如此複雜 Labels are so overrated 我們總是高估自己 Let's not make it complicated 別搞得這么錯綜複雜 Rules are made for breaking, baby 規則為打破而存在,寶貝 Let's not make it ...
Ooh, let's not forget the food stains, dirt spots, hair sets, chips, pop,pay phones, clean house I'm headed to the Laundromat, yeah yeah So baby what you saying?Baby read between the lines Do I have to spell...
Let’s not talk about it here. 我們別在這裡談吧。Don’t read in the sun. 不要在陽光下看書。Don’t talk with your mouth full of food. 不要口裡含著食物說話。注意 動詞 think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect, ...
Must we let this night an end 要不今晚就做個了結 With broken hearts unmend 不必在意已經破碎的心 From hurtful words, selfishly said 但是一些傷人的字句,我還想自私地提及:Let's not go another day 我們別再糾纏到另一天...
《Battle》是泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的一首歌曲,別名為《Let's Go》。歌曲歌詞 The first shot's fired, everybody's gathered around You're looking at me like I tried to take you down No, no, that's not what happened at...
NBA LIVE 2006 的一首歌曲,黑暗堡壘(Fort Minor)演唱。曾是tnt電視台經典的宣傳音樂,也是Mike Shinoda、Ryu、Takbir的自我解析。歌詞介紹 You ready? Let's go 準備好了?一起來吧 Yeah, for those of you that 為了那些 want...
2020年2月,推出情人節單曲《Let's Be Friends》 [37] ;5月21日,推出第四張錄音室專輯《Dedicated》的B面《Dedicated Side B》 [38] ;10月30日,推出聖誕單曲《It's Not Christmas Till Somebody Cries》 [11] 。 卡莉·蕾·...