《Legal Science》(2016)是2017年北京大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Editorial Department of Legal。
- 書名:Legal Science(2016)
- 作者:Editorial Department of Legal
- ISBN:978-7-301-29038-5
- 頁數:392
- 定價:¥88.00
- 出版社:北京大學出版社
- 出版時間:2017-12-27
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:大16開
《法學》是由華東政法大學主辦的中文法律類核心期刊,發行量位居全國法學類理論刊物之首,是美國、英國等國圖書館收藏的中國為數不多的法學刊物之一。 本書堅持《法學》選載論文"短、平、快"的特色,從所設評論、論文、筆談、專題探討、爭鳴、司法實踐(含案例評析、疑案探析等)、專訪等欄目中分別選譯出15篇左右年度優秀論文,不僅包括民法、刑法、國際法、經濟法等法學理論探討論文,也包括立法、司法等實踐性強的論文,主要贈送給國外各大學法學院,以加強中外法學界的學術交流。 本書組織作者將其論文翻譯為英文,不僅能夠彌補國內英文論文的短缺,也能夠加強和海外學術界的交流,向國外法學同行宣傳國內法學界的研究成果。
Legal Transformation of China’s Local Government Debt: A Central-Local Relations Perspective………HUANG Tao
On the Sovereignty Legitimacy of Island-building……… YU Shifeng
Illegality Affirmation and Legal Governance of Price Monopoly Agreements in the Automotive Industry……………………CHEN Bing
On Total Behavior Control System in China's Environmental Law……………XU Xiangmin
Conflict and Coordination of Interests Between Public and Private Sectors in PPP…………………HU Gairong
The Normative Structure of Punitive Damages—Comments on Guiding Case No. 23 Issued by the Supreme People’s Court of the PRC………SHUI Bing
The False Judicial Application and the Truth Revelation of the Principle of Public Order and Good Custom……………LI Yan
Study on the Transmutation of Couple’s Separate Property………………HE Jian
A Probe Into the Political System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region From the Perspective of National Sovereignty and History………………HAO Tiechuan
Socialist Constitutionalism in Modern World Constitutional System……………HAN Dayuan
On Reforming China’s Supporting Legislation…………………………TONG Zhiwei & SU Yi
Nature of the Behavior for Illegally Acquired Virtual Property………………ZHANG Mingkai
On Presumptions in Criminal Law…………………………CHEN Ruihua
Informed Consent of Patients and Violation of Law— An Open Discussion With Professor Liang Genlin…………………FENG Jun
Reflections on Criminal Legislation From the Perspective of Legal Dogmatics—A Case Study of Amendment (IX) to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China……………CHE Hao
The Process of Developing Regional Rule of Law in China……………………GONG Pixiang
On the Procedure Regulation in Government-led Urbanization…………………………SUN Li
The Generalization of Judicial Power and Its Institutional Remedies—With a View on the Operation of Judicial Power……………SHI Maosheng
Judges’ Decision Making in Uncertain Situations—From the “3Q” Case………HOU Meng
Constitution in Reasonable Form Is Necessary in Achieving “Governing China by the Constitution” ……………………ZHOU Yongkun
《法學》是由華東政法大學主辦的一本中文法律類期刊,為"中文核心期刊(法律類)""全國百強社科學報""中國人文社科學報核心期刊" 等)編